on 31-03-2020 16:34
on 31-03-2020 16:36
Are they business or personal accounts?
on 31-03-2020 16:37
on 31-03-2020 16:38
the number you link it to needs to be an iPhone tariff on a refresh or standard plan or a sim only plan with an iPhone data allowance
do you think it's possible that the line you are trying to add it to is not one of the above?
on 31-03-2020 16:39
on 31-03-2020 16:39
on 31-03-2020 16:41
on 31-03-2020 16:48
on 31-03-2020 16:48
sounds like a call to customer service is your best option as without looking into your account, its all guesswork, 202 from your mobile will hopefully get it resolved