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£7600 bill from 02 businesses

Not applicable
In past 5 or 6 years together with my lady have 2 acounts in 02. One ordinary and one business. On businesses ac we got 2 mob numbers linked together. Second business number is used ocasionally when needed.
Every single minute or data been always taken from main bussiness number.
In May second buisness mobile been active for around 2 weeks. By data usage reading from mobile we use around 350mb of data in this time. We dont recive any information by sms from 02 as usually happend in situation like this that we use all of mb. No internet cut off as in situation like this happend or any info that's something bad and costly comming.
Recive today bill for £7600 for May.
We are devastated ; (
Message 1 of 37

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Hi @Anonymous,

Have customer service gotten back to you yet on this?

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Message 21 of 37

Not applicable
Hi Toby.
No unfortunately cs don't get back to us.
We we will try call them tomorrow.
Hope they sort out our case. If not i will go back to you and ask for help.
Thank you
Message 22 of 37

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I doubt you will get a call tomorrow @Anonymous as it's Saturday. You may be lucky though. If not please come back and mention @Toby who will look into this on Monday hopefully...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 23 of 37

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The one and only callback I've ever had from CS was on a Saturday!
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Message 24 of 37

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@MI5 wrote:
The one and only callback I've ever had from CS was on a Saturday!

Well here's hoping then.....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 25 of 37

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You never know stranger things have happened... I'm crossing my fingers for the op though!
Message 26 of 37

Not applicable
Hi @Toby. Hello everyone.
Got fev news about my case.
CS never call back to me. We decide to contact them today. Unfortunately our bill is not reduced. We ask several questions by your advice from this forum guys.

So after our firs call last week CS put our bill to cancelation what was rejected by some kind of head office. No investigation?
We get that information today when call o2 CS.
We ask why and put arguments.
By my mobile all used data in time when second businesses number fited to my handset 650MB by CS 3Gig in just 11 days.
Usually i fit in 3Gig tariff in a month time without any problems. Also i cant belive in some massive difference betwen mob vs provider data reading. Technically is impossible.

By CS second number share minutes from main business number but no data. No one know since when, as we use this sim ocasionaly so far in last 5 years without any issue before and any extra cost for used minutes or data.

By CS over spending cap works only outside UK.
So now if I give second sim to one of my worker, looks like you can make yourself ready for bill 3 times higher than this 7.6k after a full month time. 21k? Is more than ridiculous!
Don't know what to say about no control and cut off provided by o2. For me that looks like classic ripoff try.

We explain also that if o2 give us a info that we cross 80% of used data we will buy extra 1 or 2 gig as we always do!
We don't understand why is no cap in UK. When we signed the contract in first time, the guy ensure us that all that is 24/7 under control. Even if we missed something o2 will not alow bring it to huge bill. But yes. That was over 5 years ago.

Guy from Cs don't sound like he bother. He put our case again in to bill cancel try.
He said that in 10 days we recive text message is that accepted or refuse!
He will be not able give us any more information how that actually happend.
He keep saing that is extra 3gig data used.
My wife crying again.
She want to cancel our holliday on 27th this month bcouse of this.

Think that will be our last contracts with o2 as is ridiculous watching bill going highly over standard 6 years spending and doing completly nothing with it. Not even info that you need buy some extra data. Also can't understand why is no cap now on second number in business ac when main number got it? And why this cap works only outside UK?

I feeling second time very disappointed by o2 after so many years. First moving me to sky with my brodband and asking me to get new brodband from o2 when extend my mob contract. And now bill for 7.6k
No words to name it right.

Message 27 of 37

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Hi @Anonymous I am so sorry you are no nearer resolution of this matter....and it's really sad to hear your wife is so upset. I will tag @Toby into the thread again to see if there is any help he can give you....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 28 of 37

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I can't work out where the 7600 comes from - makes no sense to me at all?
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 29 of 37

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@MI5 wrote:
I can't work out where the 7600 comes from - makes no sense to me at all?

Nor me...and particularly annoying that @Anonymous has been told twice now he will get a callback from O2...and they haven't bothered. Each time he has to instigate the call and is getting absolutely nowhere..:smileysad:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 30 of 37