Other Products and Services
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Other Products and Services board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Other Products and Services board! If you have a question about any O2 product or service that doesn't have it's own board such as O2 voicemail, insurance, roaming, etc then this is the board where you can ask questions to...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! Sim

Hello yesterday i converted my lebara sim to O2 esim. Today i received text and email from o2 that that my number is ported but i am still getting text msgs and calls on my other phone in which lebara sim is present.

SMS/MMS over O2 WiFi calling

With the UK banks about to implement SMS/MMS texting to distribute verification codes for online purchases - what are O2 doing to enable SMS/MMS over O2 WiFi calling inline with other network providers (e.g. EE)? Or should we now consider switching t...

seanbean by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! lost sim

I have lost my O2 sim. I am in Australia and so I took my O2 sim out when I arrived and it has gone missing. I need my English number to verify certain things and obviously I can’t do that without this sim. I don’t know if there’s any way around this...

Blue Light Card

Good afternoon after visiting your o2 store in Kilmarnock to get help with my Blue Light Card your colleague was very helpful helping me set up after I had experienced some difficulty doing it myself and as I work in a very busy community pharmacy th...

Data abroad

Hello, please can I have help with my bolt on. I have assigned a bolt on for zone 2 data roaming and don't know how to activate it?

td2 by Level 1: Joiner
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