Other Products and Services
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Welcome to the Other Products and Services board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Other Products and Services board! If you have a question about any O2 product or service that doesn't have it's own board such as O2 voicemail, insurance, roaming, etc then this is the board where you can ask questions to...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! where can I see the consumption of my data?

I've received a text message from O2 telling me that I have almost used up all my data for the month....after logging into my account, it looks like I have used 7.3GB out of 8GB in 5 days....now I'm working from home and mostly use home wifi. Is ther...

Chou30 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! O2 Complaint system

Warranty void due to taking the protective film off the new Samsung galaxy 3 fold the inside screen, i phoned to complain on the matter it's now cost me 489.40 for it to be repaired and the only answer i recieved from the o2 202 service was this is c...

Ninton by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! SMS Texts via Wi-Fi Calling

My daughter is looking for a new phone but we're in a really poor signal area (for all providers) and don't receive texts. However, on my EE contract the wi-fi calling works for texts as well phone calls, so I can send and receive them with no proble...

Resolved! Disney +

Hi there. My 6 months free trial of Disney + ends on 1 February. If I keep the subscription will I be put on to the £5.99 offer with £2 off my airtime? Thank you!

AP257 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Volt benefits still not active.

So my volt benefits still aren't showing on either my Virgin or O2 account and I've had my phone for over a week now. Apparently the o2 benefits show up as soon as you apply for volt but the virgin ones can take 14 days but I've got neither. All of m...

Sloth85 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Sim swap

Please can somebody help me ?I went to my o2 shop on 25/01/22 at 12pm to upgrade my iPhone 8 Plus to an iPhone 13 pro max, obviously it has a different sim to mine so they put that in for me and off I went, as soon as I walked out of the shop my old ...

Nicnac1 by Level 1: Joiner
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Help make your data allowance last

Losing yourself in your favourite Netflix shows, uploading that amazing gig selfie or video from The O2, or even just trying to find your way around town – they all eat away at your mobile data allowance. We want you to get the most from your data an...

Chris_K by Former Staff
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Resolved! Non-existent signal in Romford/Hornchurch area

Has anyone else been suffering from an intermittent signal in the Romford/Hornchurch area for the past 6-8weeks ? The affected area seems to stretch from Bedfords Park in the north to about Rainham in the south and is about 1 mile wide. Staff in the ...

LynneL by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Purchase invoice

So I am jumping through the 500 hoops Samsung has to redeem my gifts after getting the Fold Z3. How ever I need an invoice. Is there a way to get one? Or find one? Thanks

Resolved! Problems with O2 Recycle website

I'm having a problem with o2 recycle website. I manage to get to the last step to sell the phone but it won't let me complete the sale at the last step when I try to click recycle phone. Does anyone else have this problem?

ChrisP1 by Level 1: Joiner
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