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Weak/Non-Existent Signal

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Having read many threads both here and elsewhere on the net I am now thoroughly confused.

I have 4 different phones on the network being iPhone 4, iPhone 3 a Galaxy S4 and a Galaxy S4 mini. All have roughly the same signal strength.

On the O2 site I should have good reception. I am in between two mast both less than a mile away. The problem is that my house is in a bit of a dip and there is a large copse trees between me and one of the masts.

As I sit at the moment in my house my signal strength on the iPhone 4S is at -107. This goes between around -95 and -111 usually if I move about the house.

If I go out to the street it goes between about -90 to -105.

As I understand it -40 is a "perfect" strength with -70 being very acceptable. Anything approaching -100 as being bad with calls etc liable to drop up to -120 which is basically no signal.

These signal strengths are basically causing all the phones to be very unreliable/virtually useless in the house.

I see two solutions to the problems

1. Get a signal booster set up
2. Get a femtocell
3. Use Tugo

There are problems with the solutions which I am getting confused with

Solution 1. The systems seem to be very expensive. Probably around £700 at least. Also there are many different opinions which ones are good/bad and whether they are indeed legal/illegal.

Solution 2. I am not a business user and only a personal user and it isn't available for me.

Solution 3. Seems really buggy and not worth toffee.

I appreciate this topic mat gave been asked to death but I can find no definite/up to date information.
Message 1 of 17

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I may have stumbled across a solution to all of this. It involves a business account so I can purchase a boostbox.

I have Sky Broadband and I think I read somewhere that it is not compatible/ has problems with the boostbox. Can anyone confirm that his is the case or not before I run headlong into a business account.
Message 11 of 17

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We have seen very few posts about these boxes since they were issued, so I suspect there are few in use.


I haven't seen anything here that might help you, maybe the Sky forum is worth a look?

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 12 of 17

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I've got to admire your tenacity TheFalcon259

Message 13 of 17

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I'll check Sky forum out.

Yes I love a fight. Getting a business account is a better resolution than having a fight with O2 and going to Trading Standards about goods not fit for purpose. A bit annoyed though that I bought a pay as you go (full price phone) and you can't unlock it for a yer but if there is a way around it I will go that way.
Message 14 of 17

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Can you remind me which phone.

You could ask someone who has been on 02 for over 12 months on payg or someone on an 02 contract to insert their sim and make a few calls to latch the phone imei to their sim in your phone ,and they request the unlock.

Free to contract customers.

£15 to payg.
Message 15 of 17

Not applicable
Good info mate. Will try that one if required. slight_smile
Message 16 of 17

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Oki doki
Message 17 of 17