on 26-03-2013 20:50
on 26-03-2013 20:50
Got this weird email from o2 saying:
Here's a picture message you've been sent from ***********.
You can send a message back from your mobile phone. But don't reply to this
It had a txt file attachment, and no links or anything. At first I thought it was a spam, but recognised my boyfriend's number, so downloaded the attachment to find it was an ordinary text message from him! How does O2 know my email address? Is it some weird bug?
on 26-03-2013 20:51
on 26-03-2013 21:07
He's just put his sim in another phone as he broke his iPhone screen last week. I don't know if it's a smartphone or just a cheap fill in til he gets it fixed. He said that when I replied it didn't come up with my name, but came up with a photo of me instead. He didn't have a pic associated with my name before, and I don't have any linked to my email account, so it's just weird?!
on 26-03-2013 21:09
on 26-03-2013 21:09
on 26-03-2013 21:10
I know, that's why it's weird because I don't have facebook or gmail!
on 26-03-2013 21:16
on 26-03-2013 21:16