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O2 Refresh The SCAM

Not applicable

Been thinking about this since August last year. Coming to the end of my contract i thought oh i have O2 refresh. Happy with my phone i decided to ask the QUESTION. I would like to keep my phone until my free upgrade what happens with my O2 refresh money? You don't get it back.


Here are my issues.

1. A Sim only contract £9 - £15

2. You Pay O2 £25 upwards for a Sin only contract.(RIP OFF)

3. You then pay for the phone at a rate of (Full price of the phone / length of contract in months)

4. Can anybody see this.

5. I am getting bummed here


So here we go.

I dont really like complaining but WTF.

You go to O2 cause you want a phone with your contact and the minuets data text etc.


I mean i got it O2 Refresh cause being a techno-lad I love new techo OH this will be good pay off my 'contract' (and before you get the lawyers around I know it wouldn't be the contract for the 'SIM' cause that would get rolled in to a new 24 month contract) get a new phone BOOM ahead of the game (SUCKER) ". Should have known everything has a price.


I love O2 they have great customer service and it is mainly beyond reproach, and you Mr Customer service adviser, you reading this now instead of the prick that thought of this idea, are a good guy I love coming to you with my problems in your service you strive to help me. Love it don't stop.


But whoever's idea this was mate, I'll be complaining to some financial authority or some trading board. Because it takes the *bleep*.


If nothing happens I might go see someone about say a SCAM that has no place in your business were customers have been mislead. (said reason above by the way). You sell a contract were they expect a phone, and then sell some stuff about how your bound to the contract and the phone, But really if i didn't want to stay with O2 and deal direct with yourselves, I wouldn't have done it, Carphone Warehouse, all these shops they just buy you out to sell the new contract, Believe me i know i work in the car industry i know how PCP works. These places have money set aside to buy them out and you give them the buy out cheaper.


Once O2 Once O2, you have really annoyed me.




On a lighter note I blame HTC for making some of the best phones on the market.


Message 1 of 79

Not applicable

What benefits




I dont sign up for o2 refresh when i get my free upgrade.

i pay the same ammount now i do for my contract but the phone is included in the price.

after 2 years i get a free upgrade..


Message 21 of 79

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Still not making any sense mate, sorry.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 22 of 79

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basically its credit


you sign a contract. with a buy out clause. saying they can take x ammount off you each month.


you want a new contract someone buys it and sell you a new contract

Message 23 of 79

Not applicable
I think @Anonymous you totally misunderstood refresh.

When o2 refer to "upgrade for free" they are referring to no upfront fee. You still have to pay the coat of the phone over the 24 months or earlier if you pay off the new refresh contract.

You surely don't expect o2 to give you a new phone on an effectively sim only contract for nothing do you? These handsets can cost over £500.

I'm afraid you are misguided about how refresh works and would suggest you read up on the terms and conditions
Message 24 of 79

Not applicable



if im am correct ( maby the community would correct me here)


yes if you had gotten a new contract with the same min,txt and data ( by closing the prev one and opening a brand new one) you could of gotten a free phone but it would only of been a select number of phones u could get ( from what i see they isnt many new phones) and possibly diffrent call,txt and data because they diffrent for each phone. and infact even though it says the phone is free you are actualy still paying for the phone .. because if you look @ diffrent phones with t he same min , txt, data they vary from phone to phone and diffrent again to sim only contracts.


but because u chose 02 refresh u can choose any phone they offer including the newest phone out and either pay part of the phone cost in advance ( then payed the rest off with your contract), all of the phone off there and then( then u would just pay your calls data and txt) or get the phone free and pay it off in installments with your contract.  

Message 25 of 79

Not applicable



Before i saw o2 refresh it was simple.

you got a contract you paid the money and the phone was included after the contract was up you got a new phone if you wanted.




Message 26 of 79

Not applicable
O2 refresh costs broadly the same over 24 months as the old style contracts.

The advantage with refresh is that you now have the option to change your phone as often as you want as long as you pay off the last one. You are no longer committed to a 24 month airtime agreement if you want to pay off your phone earlier.
Also in the old style contract if you did nothing you would carry on paying the same high cost which included the cost of the phone even though you had paid it off during the 24 months.

Think you need to understand how refresh works squire
Message 27 of 79

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@Anonymous wrote:



Before i saw o2 refresh it was simple.

you got a contract you paid the money and the phone was included after the contract was up you got a new phone if you wanted. 

Yes, but the phone wasn't free - it was part of the monthly payment but advertised as one monthly amount.

Refresh just splits it out into 2 payments so you can pay off the phone and upgrade early - Nothing is free in this world anywhere.... Ever !!

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 28 of 79

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Thats not what i am saying i dont want the phone for free i dont know where that came from.


i just want to say **bleep** it right


but one last time.


the phone i had before this one i have now.

my contract was x

that was phone + air time


now i pay that same ammount + o2 refresh


If not then ill call it a day

FYI O2 i aint going nowhere 

i love the phone i love the company i love the coverage

i just think that o2 refresh shouldnt be extra if your still giving people a contract with the phone included with some people signing up to buy the phone SEPERATLY + EXTRA to the contract when somebody else in my eyes could pay for the contract and get the phone for nothing


Message 29 of 79

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Right, back
@Anonymous wrote:

Right sorry kids

 Oh dear


When you get a contract your pay x ammount for the contract. If I didnt sign up for o2 refresh my contract would have been the same ammout minus the o2 refresh.


No, you are already confused as to what refresh is. And it's "amount"


so forget o2 refresh.


when my contract expires i could get a free upgrade.

 Yes, correct

but with o2 refresh i pay extra a month



which otherwise would have been included in my monthly contract.

 No it wouldnt

What i am saying is if i didnt sign for o2 refresh i would have got the upgrade for free after my contract and kept the phone.

 No, if you didn't have a refresh tariff you would have been on a standard one and the situation above would have been correct. 

Now i have signed up for o2 refresh i pay for the phone and i still have a contract

At a vastly reduced value compared to standard tariff on a like for like basis

that is the same ammount as my old phone same usage

Nope, the "airtime" is now the separate contract separated from the phone and ranges from 10-24 pounds

etc. but now the phone is not included in my 'contract' (because i chose o2 refresh)

 that's right it is now a separate charge for the handset. 

so o2 are getting more for the same ammount i would have paid anyway

 No, they actually get less on average especially as once you pay the handset off, you don't even need to see out the remainder of your 24 months

I hope you get this

I did, you did not


Message 30 of 79