on 01-10-2014 17:30
on 01-10-2014 17:30
O2 has a Boost Box available but they restrict their use to Business customers. Why?
My husband and I both have monthly contracts, we have been with O2 for many many years but still we cannot give out our mobile numbers as we cannot receive when home. We either cannot make calls - although we pay for large amounts or unlimited minutes - but cannot make calls a lot of the time. When on calls, the reception can drop or be really iffy. The answer of O2: well, too bad! We pay for a service which they do not provide most of the time but we need to pay more by getting a socalled 'business' account, so as to resolve 'their' problem. What does that say about customer service? Please O2, if you are listening, do try to help. This gadget cost at most 50£ and we are ready to pay for it, so what does O2 lose in selling it to us? Nothing, but gaining good will and the satisfaction of satisfied customers and repeat business. Please, O2, listen!
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-10-2014 08:56 - edited 02-10-2014 08:56
02-10-2014 08:56 - edited 02-10-2014 08:56
O2 are concentrating on sorting out 2g and 3g.
They have an obligation to meet Ofcom requirements by the end of 2017 (the only network that has agreed to this).
"Ofcom has attached a coverage obligation to one of the 800 MHz lots of spectrum. The winner of this lot is Telefónica UK Ltd. This operator is obliged to provide a mobile broadband service for indoor reception to at least 98% of the UK population (expected to cover at least 99% when outdoors) and at least 95% of the population of each of the UK nations – England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales - by the end of 2017 at the latest."
Source: http://media.ofcom.org.uk/news/2013/winners-of-the-4g-mobile-auction/
on 02-10-2014 09:24
At least we only have to wait another 3 years then to have decent service!!!
on 02-10-2014 09:26
on 02-10-2014 09:26
on 02-10-2014 09:31
on 02-10-2014 09:31
One day....
In the meantime it's very frustrating for people with little or no network signal
on 03-10-2014 08:45
I'm sure people will soon become wise to the method of obtaining an O2 boostbox legally.......i wouldnt dare mention that here!!
on 03-10-2014 10:18
on 03-10-2014 10:18
I always wanted Boost Box too. I have virtually no signal at my house, but always stayed with O2 as I have never had any issue with them, and get good reception everywhere else apart from home. I do use TuGo for making calls, it is glitchy. I find it really iffy when trying to receive calls, but call quality etc seem to be okay.
I think O2 should offer the Calling over wifi, or boost box to areas where it shows no signal available.
on 03-10-2014 10:55
on 03-10-2014 10:55
I find it strange with the rapid advance of technology in the last few years and especially in the capabilities of smart phones that people all over the country have problems doing the very basics ie.making a phone call.
Hell, they could communicate from the moon in 1969 and here we are in 2014 with large rural and urban areas struggling with coverage. Come on network, put some effort in!