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I know that ''202'' is an O2 Customer Service nr but I got a message from 202202
Is it an O2 nr as well?
I cant find it anywhere.

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It's just unbelievable.I suspected something was wrong and that's why I did not reply but how come this person knows I was on chat with an O2 guru on Wednesday?I got two messages and the second one goes like this:

''Could you please tell us what your chat on Wednesday was about?''

Message 11 of 19

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Delete immediately and ignore!
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 12 of 19

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BTW, they most likely don't know you had a chat but if they send to enough people, they will find some that did. 

I expect a further question would be to confirm your password so they know it's you (which of course they don't know you at all) but at that point, they have full access to your account to order new phones etc.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 13 of 19

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Hey @Madeleine , and thanks for raising this! I'll check on our end what we can find out about this number and share any info I get with you. 


Cheers everyone for the advice and support, and @Cleoriff  for the mention slight_smile

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Message 14 of 19

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Hi everyone, I found out a bit more about this number and wanted to update you! This number is a legitimate O2 number used for surveys, and asks a couple of questions on your experience slight_smile


Hope this helps!

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If it was a legitemate number, why would it ask what my conversation with Sahmina was abouyt on Tuesday when I didnt have a conversation with Shamina or anyone from O2 on Tuesday? O2 would know I didnt have a conversation. And after texting back, I didnt have a conversation with anyone from O2, the response was, how would you rate Shmamina on a scale of 1 to 10..

im sure Shamina is a lovely girl, but alas, i cannot comment on how she dealt with my non existant online queerie.

Just to be sure, EmilieT, youre saying 202202 is a legitemate O2 number?

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@SteveSalter  That's the information I got yes, but with a few more details I can get this specific text looked into as it seems it might have been an error. slight_smile


I've sent you a Private Message to get some additional info - to read it and reply to it, simply click on Messages on the top right sections of the page, as shown below:


Screenshot 2019-03-06 at 08.30.23.png



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Message 17 of 19

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Thanks Emilie, Ive replied but also spoken to O2 directly and they have confirmed what you have said. Its most likely an error. I suspect from a user inputting the wrong number in an online chat..

Easily done I guess.

Message 18 of 19

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That'd make sense, but I'll still feed it back to the team on my end! Thanks for sending those details over slight_smile

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Message 19 of 19