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My Guru Chat!

Not applicable

Here is my chat experience today I have had several similar chat experiences recently, do O2 gurus have a clue?  Guru is supposed to mean 'teacher' I think some of the Gurus need to learn to read, as clearly in my own personal experience some of them can't, I wasted 35 minutes on the conversation below!  





info: Welcome to O2. A Guru will be with you soon.  

 We're really busy right now. Thanks for waiting. If you're after the latest information on the iPhone 5 please go here  

 Did you know you can find out your upgrade date by logging into MyO2 here. You can also do lots of other stuff like check your bill or change your tariff too.    

info: You're through to Guru O2: (Tul).    
O2: (Tul): Hi I'm O2: (Tul). How can I help?
heather: have had many many many conversations with this chat facility and o2 shop gurus and still haven't resolved the problem - am so fed up
O2: (Tul): I'll be happy to help you.
O2: (Tul): Can you tell me your full name as it is on your account?
heather: ********
O2: (Tul): Can I know the exact issue?
heather: the problem began when I inserted my new o2 sim card in an old tesco mobile phone, no data services work on the phone, no email or bbm - internet works okay
heather: I have tried many many times taking battery out reseting, click on host routing table, got a new sim card from the o2 shop and more, nothing fixed it, the 'guru' in the shop yesterday said the handset must be faulty, but I really don't think this is the case as it worked fine with tesco until 2 weeks ago
heather: i contacted bberry and they said o2 must check that the phone is registered/provisioned properly on their network, this was apparently done.
heather: bb berry also said to make sure tesco had de-registered it, i have just spent half hour on the phone with tesco who have checked ev thing and said that the bb pin was still registered to them, they have now de-registered it and they said o2 will need re-provision it,
heather: apparently it will all show up on your systems as okay but there is no way it could have been okay as it was still partially registered to tesco and that the only way to fix this was to reprovision it and if that didn't work then o2 would need to escalate it to bb berry to check it on their systems
heather: can you please help am so sick of this I wish I had never moved to o2 it has been such a hassle
info: We'll email a copy of your chat transcript to  
O2: (Tul): Can I know the IMEI number?
O2: (Tul): Please can you tell me the 1st and 3rd character of your security answer? 
O2: (Tul): That's incorrect.
O2: (Tul): 
O2: (Tul): Perfect.
O2: (Tul): Can I know your phone make an model?
heather: blackberry curve
O2: (Tul): Can I know your email address?
heather: for the phone or my o2 account
heather: ?
O2: (Tul): Any email address?
heather: puzzled at your question
heather: what's the reason for your enquiry then and I will then be able to confirm what email address you need
heather: ?
heather: ?
O2: (Tul): Can I know your email address?
heather: as I said why do you want to know I use a different email address on the phone to the one I use for my o2 account - WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW
heather: if i know why you want to know I will know which one to give you
heather: ?
heather: ?
heather: ?
heather: ?
O2: (Tul): I'll need to place a request to unlock your phone.
O2: (Tul): Once it's unlocked you'll get an rmail confirmation.
O2: (Tul): email*
heather: unlock it for what?
O2: (Tul): So that you can use any network sim in your phone.
heather: can you read?
heather: I started out by telling you that I was so frustrated with o2 and you are doing nothing to alleviate that frustration,
O2: (Tul): Please go to Settings > General > Network >Enable 3G > Slide it to Off.
heather: my phone doesn't need unlocked my phone was unlocked by my previous provider; tesco to allow me to insert the o2 sim. I can use the 02 sim to make and receive calls it works, it is just the data services that are not working bbm and email, that what I have already said in this chat.
O2: (Tul): Once done restart your phone.
heather: can you help or not? if not please escalate this 
heather: ok I will try it
heather: can you be more specific about which options to select I dont have a settings button
heather: ?
O2: (Tul): Please stay online while I transfer this chat to the Repairs team.
info: We’re putting you through to the right person, won’t be long.    
info: You're through to Guru O2 : Ronan.    
O2 : Ronan: Hello Heather.
heather: can you help
O2 : Ronan: I'll be happy to help you.
O2 : Ronan: Please allow me a moment to check the above chat.
heather: can you help
O2 : Ronan: Yes please 
O2 : Ronan: Please bear with me for while
O2 : Ronan: Have you unlocked the Tesco mobile phone?
heather: as above I have already answered that
heather: YES
heather: ?
heather: ?
heather: if you can't help can you escalate this please
O2 : Ronan: Please tell me what is the error message your are getting on your phone?
heather: there is no error message
heather: bbm and email just don't work
O2 : Ronan: Let me check your account please
O2 : Ronan: Can you tell me your full name as it is on your account?
O2 : Ronan: Please tell me your mobile number too
O2 : Ronan: Thank you
O2 : Ronan: Please give me a minute to check your account
O2 : Ronan: Lets follow some steps on your phone
O2 : Ronan: Please press on blackberry key on your phone
heather: ok
O2 : Ronan: then Search
O2 : Ronan: then option
O2 : Ronan: then host routing table
O2 : Ronan: then blackberry key
O2 : Ronan: the register now
heather: done this about 20 times now, have you changed any setting at your end since this conversation started
heather: if you haven't then I think it's highly unlikley this will work, I have done this on every conversation I've had with gurus and the shop, and twice tonight already when on the phone to tesco
O2 : Ronan: Then your phone needs to be checked manually
O2 : Ronan: I'd request you to please go to the nearest o2 store
O2 : Ronan: the store guru will check your phone manually there and then
heather: you said at the beginning you were reading the chat above, did you read it? 
heather: can you please escalate this to your internal blackberry team, or give me the number?
O2 : Ronan: Sure
O2 : Ronan: I'll help you with the blackberry support team number
heather: if you had read the chat, you would have read that I have been in the shop - TWICE. O2 need to reprovision it, what is the point of chatting if you can't actually read what a customer has written what a waste of my time, your previous colleague seemed to have the same difficulty
heather: please give me the number, as I'm getting nowhere very very slowly here
O2 : Ronan: Please call  on 08448 090 202 or dial 202 free from your O2 Pay Monthly mobile and ask your call to be transferred to Blackberry Support team.  They're available: Monday to Friday between 8am and 9pm, Saturday between 8am and 8pm, Sunday between 8am and 6pm.
O2 : Ronan: 
heather: great what a waste of time this was, 02 SERVICE IS TERRIBLE YOU GUYS NEED TO LEARN TO READ!
info: We'll email a copy of your chat transcript to ..  
O2 : Ronan: Thanks for chatting with me
O2 : Ronan: Take care
heather: you are so welcome 
O2 : Ronan: Bye

Message 1 of 5

Not applicable

Looked at this and your previous posts and looks like everything that could be tried has been. 

It sounds to me like the porting process has not been done properly and this is what is causing the problem. Live chat is good for some issues but something like this gets lost in translation. 

It is definitely a call to O2 repairs team I am afraid.

Message 2 of 5

Level 94: Supreme
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Very frustrating for you, you seem to have tried everything. Hope you get some joy from the support team.


You might want to edit your email address out of the chat, save you getting junk from spammers.

Message 3 of 5

Not applicable
the problem was that nobody at o2, two shop gurus, 7 different gurus via chat and one call - not one of them checked to see if the sim card I was sent had blackberry provisioned on it, the person I spoke with today said he couldn't believe that it has been missed by everyone and that it should have been the first first thing that each and everyone of them checked. It still isn't working yet though but he said it can take 48 hours!
Message 4 of 5

Level 44: Clearly Talented
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Blooming hell.

The infamous ronan and tul (if they're the same people)

They were the ones who were abysmal with my queries.

I'm glad you've finally got an answer I can't believe how long this has taken for something so simple:(
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
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