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Micro Sim adapter too big!

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Hi all,


I have just received a new Nano Sim for Mobile Broadband as I already have a Hotspot Dongle. As the Dongle can only accept Micro Sims, I placed the Nano Sim in tht Micro Adapter and, guess what? It does not fit! It is too wide and too long to fit. I have shaved off a bit of the side of the Adapter but it juts out by almost half a centimeter. I can't shave much off the end as the Nano Sim is pretty close to the edge. I'm pretty sure it is a tad too deep as well as I have to do a bit of jimmying to get it in.


I'm worried about ordering another Sim as I will probably get another Nano!


Any one else? Or is it just me 😞



Message 1 of 11

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Are you sure you have a micro adapter and not a mini one?

Also, just remembered that a CS rep that comes on here has stated that you can still request the size of sim you want from CS but by default always send nano sims now, so calling and requesting the correct size might be your best idea.

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Message 2 of 11

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Maybe visit an O2 HighStreet store and they should be able to help you with the correct sized SIM card.
Message 3 of 11

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@Anonymous wrote:
Maybe visit an O2 HighStreet store and they should be able to help you with the correct sized SIM card.

Or the correct adapter. There were two in the packet I got earlier today, one for Mini SIM and one for Micro

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Message 4 of 11

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It's much better to spend £12 on a real sim cutter than to go hacking up your sim with an blunt old butterknife.


Message 5 of 11

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@aldaweb wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:
Maybe visit an O2 HighStreet store and they should be able to help you with the correct sized SIM card.

Or the correct adapter. There were two in the packet I got earlier today, one for Mini SIM and one for Micro

Nice to see you back @aldaweb and I hope you are well on the way to recovery slight_smile

Indeed the last sim I got came with a dual adapter...

Message 6 of 11

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Or just shove it in where you think it should go, using a bit of common sense and looking inside the slot.  The sim will work as long as it touches all the right connections.

Message 7 of 11

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@Anonymous wrote:

Or just shove it in where you think it should go, using a bit of common sense and looking inside the slot.  The sim will work as long as it touches all the right connections.

Just to be clear, I am talking about putting a nano in a micro slot, or micro in a standard slot.


Obviously you shouldn't force a large sim in to a smal slot.

Message 8 of 11

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It is definitely the Micro Sim as the old PAYG Sim for the Dongle was a Micro. The Sim I have is a Nano, and the Adaptor I'm using is the Nano > Micro. I inserted the adaptor into my mobile and the phone has a signal to the O2 network and does actually work, it is just the slot on the Dongle that is too small. I have tried just inserting the Nano Sim into the slot, it moves about and does not connect.


I will go to an O2 store and get a Micro Sim as there was no choice of what Sim I could have when I ordered it.

Message 9 of 11

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

It is definitely the Micro Sim as the old PAYG Sim for the Dongle was a Micro. The Sim I have is a Nano, and the Adaptor I'm using is the Nano > Micro. I inserted the adaptor into my mobile and the phone has a signal to the O2 network and does actually work, it is just the slot on the Dongle that is too small. I have tried just inserting the Nano Sim into the slot, it moves about and does not connect.


If you're desperate to get it working tonight, you could put a sticker or bit of tape on the back of the sim to thicken it up and then carefully insert it in to the right place, and it should stay in.  I've done it loads of times on phones.


But the correct way is to get it replaced or use an adapter....

Message 10 of 11