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Why should we celebrate Valentine's Day?

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Love Week


I can’t find one good story about how Valentines Day began.. Each of the various stories I’ve looked into state that Valentinus was clubbed and stoned to death on February 14th 269 AD (but this appears to be a rough estimate 270 & 273 have also been mentioned) after he tried to convert Claudius II to Christianity. Previous to this, it is claimed that he restored the sight of the daughter of a local Judge, who then freed some 40 religious prisoners in return. It seems Valentinus was imprisoned various times for preaching to the (un)converted, but became somewhat of a celebrity to the Emperor who would later demand his breathing privileges cease!


There are also words written (supposedly) from the condemned to Asterius’ daughter ‘from your Valentine’ which apparently is where the saying we know today comes from.


And yet my brief from Marjo is to keep it positive. Why? Because Valentines Day is supposed to be about happiness? I don’t see much positivity when I’ve researched into how and why Valentines Day came about.


So, indulge me....


When was the last time you heard anyone celebrating being single? Apart from the day the Decree Absolute came through.. I know i cheered!  or when I see a couple fighting.. When I see this, out comes my favourite saying ‘I’m glad I’m single’ but is that right? Cheering on the end of an era or watching someone else’s misery?


There seems to be a day for everything these days but I can’t ever recall seeing / hearing anything with any cheer for single people. And is being single anything to cheer about? In this day and age it’s all about couples. Single person supplements for example. Why is it still more expensive to be single?


And tell me.. If your significant other is so wonderful, why do we need a single day to show them how we feel about them? Shouldn’t you be showing it everyday.. & do we really need to do it with material things? Isn’t ‘I love you’ & puckering up enough?


Cards & presents are given / received on many days of the year & each time a considerable amount of the worlds resources & your hard earned cash are wasted on gifts that aren’t really needed. It’s the ‘done thing’ isn’t it? People feel obliged to do it because it’s ‘expected’

Expected? Really? What about love? (Great Heart song)


And we do all this because of some story from the past, of which we’ll never really know if it’s true or not? And yet so much importance is placed on it by so many.


So go then, tell me.. Where am I going wrong? I’ve listed my negatives, Show me the error of my ways, point out from the list above or other examples why Valentines Day is a day that should be celebrated. What have i missed?



Message 1 of 49

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@jonsie wrote:

My wife and I paid homage to the day (after the romanticism of our early years together had receded well into the past) by sending each other the same card every year.

Yes I used to buy the red roses but my wife just said thanks, put them in a vase and a few days later they would wither and die. She decided she would much prefer just a card and a meal out.

Now I'm way past all that and so glad of it. Why this has to go on for a week? All about the money and I'll be happy on the 15th when it's all over.

After that we have Easter, going on already for months!

Spoken like a true curmudgeon.. I love it!

Message 21 of 49

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@liggerz87 wrote:
I was born in 87 so dont recognise that 90s reference like I did get suckered into the valentines thing but I did stuff like going meal before and after and like everyone said it doubles in price

 But when you do stuff like this (to save cash) you are considered unromantic.. a skinflint..


Is that the case or are we just being .. what's the word... 'thrifty'

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@jonsie wrote:

We have so much in common @Anonymous, a brodda by anodda mudda! 😂

OMG ~ a love-in

will you be awarding each other an Oscar?


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@TallTrees wrote:

@jonsie wrote:

We have so much in common @Anonymous, a brodda by anodda mudda! 😂

OMG ~ a love-in

will you be awarding each other an Oscar?

Nah, just a kindred spirit... 😂

Message 25 of 49

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And no one has managed to convince me that VD is worth it. Which vindicates my years of neglecting it.. woohoo!

Thanks peeps..
Message 26 of 49

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@Anonymous wrote:
And no one has managed to convince me that VD is worth it. Which vindicates my years of neglecting it.. woohoo!

Thanks peeps..

Probably because most of us who have commented are 'older and wiser' now @Anonymous 

Excellent thread in fact. I'm really pleased you posted it the way you did. You were correct, I would not have believed mushy, lovey dovey stuff from your good self.

So have a heart from me heart That's the only one you will be receiving for Feb 14th. LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 27 of 49

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Aww thanks.. right back at ya heart

Message 28 of 49

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For you @Anonymous heart and all us singletons 

Message 29 of 49

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Awww thanks @Anonymous 


Now I'm wondering who got what for VD?


Throwaway items or something to last for all time?

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