on 16-07-2021 08:49
This coming Wednesday - 21 July 2021 - will be the
150th White Room Quiz
since the White Room Quiz began on 1 August 2019
Instead of the usual eight questions, there will be 10 questions - with one question on each of these categories, with one question related to "150th"
Each member will be awarded for each correct answer.
In addition, Thinker will also be awarded as follows
10 correct 8 correct 6 correct 4 correct
answers answers answers answers
Gold Silver Bronze Red
Thinker Thinker Thinker Thinker
Since the White Room Quiz began on 1 August 2019, the quizzers have faced a variety of questions - some "tricky"; the occasional QI-style question, where the answer is not what most people think; and questions which quiz books rate as "easier", which some quizzers have found difficult.
Some of the White Room Quizzers have correctly answered a question which Paul Sinha, ranked No 17 in the World Quiz Championship, got wrong on ITV`s The Chase; correctly answered a question which one of the country`s top quiz teams got wrong on Ch 4`s The Hardest Question; correctly answered a question which Kevin, Mastermind Champion, got wrong on BBC TV`s Eggheads; and correctly answered the question which Judith Keppell correctly answered to become the first person to win £1million on ITV`s Who Wants To Be A Miilionaire.
Now, to celebrate the 150th White Room Quiz, there is a chance to be awarded a Gold Thinker.
I am grateful to each and every one of those, past and present, who have tackled some, if not all, of the White Room Quiz questions.
I hope our regular quizzers
@Cleoriff @pgn @jonsie @gmarkj @MI5 @BobM @TallTrees @TheresaV @LukasB @Martin-O2
- and @O2EmmaLouise and @Cairdeas who took part in WRQ recently - and any member, who has taken part in the past or has never taken part, and any new members will join in with this 150th WRQ
on Wednesday 21 July 2021.
Thank you. Look forward to seeing as many as possible taking part.
on 16-07-2021 09:22
Uhhhh this is exciting @Mi-Amigo I can't believe it's gonna be the 150th WRQ! A big shoutout to you for creating a gobsmacking number of 150 quizzes for us, this is amazing!
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If you'd like to take part, why not register?
on 16-07-2021 09:29
on 16-07-2021 09:29
@TheresaV wrote:Uhhhh this is exciting @Mi-Amigo
I can't believe it's gonna be the 150th WRQ! A big shoutout to you for creating a gobsmacking number of 150 quizzes for us, this is amazing!
Thank you @TheresaV .
It has, and is, a privilege and honour to create and run 148 of the 150 WRQs.
A special thanks must be made at this time to thank @Cleoriff who organised, searched out the questions and ran two WRQ - so as to allow me to take part in a White Room Quiz. Oh and I didn`t get top Thinker in either of her WRQs
on 16-07-2021 09:48
on 16-07-2021 09:48
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on 16-07-2021 12:13