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The White Room Thursday Quiz - 14 November 2019

Level 47: Going Places
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     This week`s contestant, chosen at random by @EmilieT   is




The six questions are:


Q1 [history]: Which is the oldest university in Scotland?


Q2 [science]: Which two metals are used to make brass?


Q3 [nature]: How many wings does a mosquito have? 


Q4 [words]: What is dendrology the study of?


Q5 [music]: Which song famously kept Vienna by Ultravox off the No 1 in the UK charts in 1981?


Q6 [food & drink]: Which French dish has a name which literally means "pot on fire"?



You can only give one answer to each question.

You can answer the questions in any order - please copy and paste the question and add your answer.

You can post all of the answers together in one posts; or post one, or more, answer in several posts [as @pgn did previously]; at any time between 00.01 [one minute after midnight] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thursday] 14 November 2019. Please note: a second answer to any question cannot be given in these subsequent posts. 

Any answer posted before 00.01 or after 23.59 will be declared void.

Please - no googling, Wiki, social media, Youtube in search of the answers.


The results, with the correct answers, will be posted either late on Thursday 14 November [after answers have been submitted] or on Friday morning 15 November 2019.

Each correct answer will be awarded a star

If you get all six questions correct, you will be awarded the Silver Thinker

Image result for silver thinker


The White Room Thursday Quiz is open to all members.

Previously, contestants - inc @Cleoriff , @pgn , @gmarkj , @jezza1234 , @AnnieM - and other members - inc @EmilieT , @Anonymous , @TallTrees - have played along by  making their own list of questions and seeing how many they can get right.

Everyone is invited to play along with this week`s quiz - but, please do not post your answers on the thread. You will be able to see how well you did when I give the correct answers/


Thank you for your interest and good luck @Sy 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 22

Not applicable

Well done @Sy 

I got one question correct - the St Andrews one

Thank you @Mi-Amigo for compiling The Thursday Quiz

Message 11 of 22

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Well I did have one correct in the end nerd


Awesome work @Sy, those weren't that easy and you did great for your first Thursday Quiz! Mexican Wave

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If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 12 of 22

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Wow.. I was only sure of 3, but actually knew 5
Message 13 of 22

Level 47: Going Places
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Thanks for your feedback, guys.

@Anonymous - well done on getting the Scottish university one right thumbsup

@EmilieT - I guess it was the French cooking one which you knew. How did you do with the others?

@Anonymous - thank you for playing along in this your first quiz. 5 correct is brilliant. Which one, may I ask [just curious] did you have trouble with?


and, of course, again congratulations to @Sy on getting five questions correct in your first go at being the contestant.


I hope all of you will join in with the next White Room Thursday Quiz when the six questions will be chosen over the coming weekend from these categories -

Events; Geography; Space; Sport; Literature; TV Sit-coms.

If any member - whether a new member or one who has not put their name forward previously, would like to join @Cleoriff ; @pgn ; @gmarkj@jezza1234 ; @AnnieM ; and @Sy who have been a contestant,

as a contestant, please pm me [Mi-Amigo] your name and I will add it to the list for the draw, which will be made by @EmilieT at the beginning of next week.

Even if you are not chosen, or prefer not to be a contestant, you can still join in and play along.

Thank you everyone for playing and your support for the quiz. I hope you all continue to enjoy them. 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 14 of 22

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Never heard of Dendrology @Mi-Amigo
Message 15 of 22

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Well done @Sy . A great effort. Cheers


Funnily enough Dendrology threw me a curve ball at first! In anatomy and physiology, dendrites are nerve (neural cell pathways) and I thought 'Hells teeth, that's damn hard'...Then I remembered that they are called dendrites as they look like trees



So I'm pleased that it was far simpler than I first imagined. LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 16 of 22

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Thanks for the info @Cleoriff .

I know sometimes my questions are brain-teasers but don`t think I`d go that far - well, not in a "word" question LOL Well done for getting it right...


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 17 of 22

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The Ultravox one would have thrown me.

Pot au feu, though, is definitely not to be confounded with Coq au vin. Or Chicken Chasseur or Chicken Cacciatore (Italian), "Hunter's chicken (stew)".

Dendrology is a good one, watch out for a dendrograph - either a device for measuring changes in the dimensions of a tree trunk, OR a branching chart used in cladistics to show how far apart characteristics or species are from 40-Figure11-1.pngeach other...



Message 18 of 22

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Thanks @pgn for the info on dendrograph. Although I love words, I didn`t know about it being used as a term in charts...

Every day is a schoolday... D'oh!



Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 19 of 22

Level 67: Unsung hero
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I would have got St Andrews and two wings but that would be it for me!

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Message 20 of 22