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Strictly Come Dancing 2019

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A little early to start this thread, although the new judge to replace Darcey Bussell has been announced

It's Motsi Mabuse (sister of Oti Mabusi)


Motsi Mabuse, elder sister of Strictly Come Dancing star Oti, has been named as Dame Darcey Bussell's replacement on the BBC One show's judging panel.

Originally from South Africa, Motsi is a former South African champion and German Latin champion and a judge on Strictly Come Dancing's German version.

Mabuse, 38, said she was "absolutely overjoyed" to be joining the panel and hoped to "add her own bit of sparkle".

Motsi Mabuse


I don't doubt her credentials at all but can't help wondering how this will work as Oti is still appearing on the show?

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Girl in a jacket
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The songs and dances for week 8 (before Blackpool) The article wouldn't let me copy and paste so here's a snip.


SCD week 8.PNG


So if Mike messes up his Paso (and he will) it's going be interesting to see if he is saved again. For Blackpool!!


Looking at that list, there is not one person who is as bad as Mike so am fully expecting the judges to mark him high in a desperate attempt to save him!

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Girl in a jacket
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Well judging at the progress on ITT I can safely say that we're going to be seeing some funky chicken strutting from Mike! Best he leaves this week as he may get the rhumba in Blackpool.


Emma & Anton look set to be the stars of saturday night with their theatre jazz hands. 

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What a mixed bag of tricks.

Tess should keep her mouth shut really. Told Karim and Amy how well they did just before they were panned by the judges.

An awful faux pas by Motsi when welcoming Neil back. 'It's as if you have had an affair with someone else Alex, and now come back to Neil'....How embarrassing!


Alex and Neil ...Jive;. scored 31 and performed it well

Mike and Katya. Awful, just awful Paso Doble. It seems the female judges love making excuses for him. Scored 25

Karim and Amy. Viennese Waltz.  Made a couple of mistakes and beat himself up about it . Scored 30

Chris and Karen Tango. The judges and I disagreed about this. They didn't like it and I did. Scored 26

Michelle and Giovanni American Smooth. I thought they danced ok, even though I can't take to Michelle at all. Scored 36 (overmarked?)

 Emma and Anton. Couples choice. Theatre Jazz (quite obvious Shirley has no time for these two. Very lacklustre remarks. It wasn't my favourite dance though quite clever. Scored 33

Saffron and AJ. (Sadly I missed this one... which is a shame as it was a waltz which took them top of the leaderboard with 39)

Kelvin and Oti : Salsa. I really enjoyed this and feel yet again that they were undermarked. Scored 35


I have a feeling we will have another shock bottom two. Mike and Katya should be eliminated but who knows?

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Girl in a jacket
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To be honest, bit of a tedious show this week then again, Blackpool is being hyped beyond belief so this week was always going to be the poor one. Did you think I was joking about Tess and Bacofoil last week rofl


Alex just brightens up the floor whoever she is with, final board placement a touch unfair to her though. Amy's massive flags waving around Karim kind of says it all about the costume design leading to mistakes. A bad week for him but safe even if he's in the dance-off. 


Agree with you @Cleoriff  on Chris Ramsey, he did well with a couple of footwork errors though but may be going next week as its down to that point of the series. Michelle: I found this a bit er creepy. Lets just say the dress and hairstyle added more years to her in the wrong way. Does Giovanni play on her age and slows things down? Of course and she's yet to do the jive and thats the one dance that could send her home. 


Liked Emma's dance and it suited her perfectly but let down by Anton. Then again, compared to Faye Tozer's one, it didn't quite reach the bar. Saffron, boy is she really annoying in the VT's. Finally AJ showed her some technique and she pulled it off or was that AJ dragging her around and placing her to do crowd pleasers? Overmarked when you look at the difficulty and more technical routine of Kelvin who was unbelieveable. 


Can't see Mike staying this week unless the BBC votes save him. 


Tomorrows mediocre musical maestro is someone I've never heard of and has a forgettable name. So a good start already. 



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Not sure about that opening number. I'm sure they were trying to tell a story about Remembrance Sunday but I didn't get it at all. Excuse my 'ignorance'.


Wow... well that went down like a lead balloon. Michelle and Giovanni first call for the dance off.

Obviously not as popular with the public  as they are with the judges. 

(They couldn't stop going on about it during judges review!!)


Oh and it's Luke Evans (who?) singing Bring Him Home from Les Miserables.. I've heard it done better.


So it's Mike and Katya also in the dance off. No brainer as to who they will choose to eliminate.


So now I wonder if Michelle will become the new Mike? ie voted into the dance off every week from now on?

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Girl in a jacket
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Agree about that opening routine, started off quite well then I gave up especially when the fade-in effect took place in a "live" show. The wheelie suitcases was bizarre to say the least but hey, its the opening routine on a sunday. 


Bit of shock to see Michelle in the dance-off but wasn't really worth watching the dance-off when Mike was announced. In fact I didn't. Can she keep out of it next week when the other likely candidate is Chris? 


As for the fleeting Luke "SEE ME SING LOUDLY" Evans, thats one for the meh list. But for once, that segment was classic Strictly so I'll forgive him for delivering. Next week, we have my particular hated boyband of all time: Westlife. Doing a medley. In Blackpool. Hmmm, do I watch cat videos or pick on Westlife?


Blackpool also brings us the concept of backing dancers! Yes we all look forward to having the Strictly Troop filling in the space of the ballroom. Honest. 

Message 176 of 252

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Actually it was the wheelie suitcases which made the opening sequence ridiculous. Meant to be in the 1940's with suitcases straight out of Argos today.

I thought I missed a flashback section...or should that be fast forward?


@sheepdog I am away next weekend so wont be watching SCD (or F1 for that matter)

Instead, I will be enjoying the delights of 60's and 70's music and  drinking rather a lot of alcohol.

All in the company of like minded friends cool

It usually takes a 'few days' to recover. LOL

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Girl in a jacket
Message 177 of 252

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The songs and dances for Blackpool week (even though I won't be watching it until after I get home late Monday!!)



SCD Blackpool.PNG


After her shock of being in the dance off last week, I am expecting Michelle and Giovanni to pull out all the stops with their couples choice.

Looks like I will be missing a good week.

Obviously will be a shock elimination as there are no 'obvious' candidates. Except maybe Chris. Or Michelle joy


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Since @Cleoriff is off partying, I'll talk to myself....


Overall, a very good show with marking on the high side. DAO was outstanding tonight and the sound was perfect. Tess's shoulder strap was the most aggrevating thing of the night and lets just say, Sooty won't be invited back. Onto the dances:


Chris opened the show with "Lets get ready to rumble" part 2. He enjoyed it and admittedly, the routine did feel like a music video perfectly suited to the Ballroom. A few issues here and there but as I said last week, he's probably got the bus ticket home. Or has he...


Emma: hmmm. Didn't find it particularly engaging but executed well with Anton. Definitely peaked so if safe this week, next week its dance-off.


Alex: still riding high! Didn't actually need Neil as again she carried it through completely. Negative was the poor choice of music.


Kelvin: You know the score for this one: iPlayer wink One of the great Blackpool performances and of the night. Go watch it. 


Saffron: overmarked and to be honest, the non-ballroom routines were better tonight. Might be safe by virtue of leaderboard position but even in dance-off against Chris or Michelle she'll be ok. Against Emma it will come down to number of mistakes made. Needs to slow down a touch because it was her failing tonight with timing. 


Michelle: tonight, she's walked herself into the dance-off. Literally. If the overly long VT didn't lose her votes then walking throughout the routine waving arms really was a disappointment. Against Chris Ramsey, the judges are likely to send her home because Chris was a lot better technically and visually. No real hope against anyone else either for that matter. 


Karim: back to normal service. Perhaps should avoid doing lifts with someone who is slightly taller than him. Better than Kelvin? No but a good one to end the show one.


Onwards to Sunday and well, the bar is set high by tonights show and will be lowered by Westlife. Who knows, they may impress me yet. 


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So the results show. Opening routine was quite "floaty" and good. Apart from the odd thing of having Johannes playing the beau of Nadiya. The music in my opinion was really good for this routine. 


Dance-off, no surprises in having Michelle in there but ended up with Saffron going against her rather than Chris. No real contest there and Saffron was still better with a mistake. Next week, its going to be Chris Ramsey in the dance-off so unless he pulls off a miracle dance everyone else just needs to be competent. 


Now onto Sheepdog's review of the Mediocre Musical Guest. Tonight, Westlife reminded us exactly why they are so forgettable now and 20 years ago. A medley? Er right. 3 songs and only one recognisable? As in the one they managed to turn from upbeat to completely devoid of character. Yes, Uptown girl was there and they astoundingly managed to make it even more bland than their own recording. Remarkable. Even the pro-dancers weren't that interesting. Is there another greatest hits coming out by any chance? You know when a boyband does the reunion thing and its a bit painful to watch? Basically, thats exactly what happened tonight to Westlife. Then again, Westlife have always been painful to deal with rofl


Please Claudia, stop referring to the mediocrity as "Brilliant" "Fantastic" or some other hyped up words because its illegal to do so under the trade descriptions act Destroy


Oh and next week, an interesting surprise revealed by Tess right at the end: Bruno is doing the musical number. YES BRUNO!!!! Will I be impressed? Tune in next week and find out which cat video he is going against. 



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