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Refused Credit Excellent Credit History

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I'm going to post the email that ice just sent to O2 and carphone warehouse. If anyone can help me I would be eternally grateful! Thank you!!:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please could someone call me about an urgent issue.

I have been refused an o2 pay monthly iphone 5 contract For £27 a month plus an upfront £99 charge for the iPhone 5 at carphone warehouse in Bluewater today for no good reason. I have an excellent credit history and have never missed a payment. I have credit cards that I pay the balance off monthly and have had no problems opening credit accounts. I have recently moved but I have six years history at my previous address and have never had any problems.

I called my bank and they said my history is excellent and I am considered low risk and could not understand why I was treated in this way.

I currently use an O2 business phone, but this is a company phone and I will be giving it back in the next few days as I am moving jobs and need to open a personal O2 account with an iPhone 5 Urgently.

I am disgusted how I have been treated by O2. No explanation was offered as to why my credit application was refused and as a person who prides herself on managing her finances impeccably, I was embarrassed to be refused a contract for a measly £27 a month. I do believe that it is my right according to the data protection act to know why my credit application has been refused.

Is it because I work part-time? I still have a £30k a year income but that question was not asked!

Please could somebody look into this and contact me as soon as possible.
Message 1 of 25

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Hi and welcome to the forum,
As I understand it O2 use many different factors when assessing credit in theory if you have a good credit history you should be fine there have been other people reporting the same issues and I don't think it's fair that O2 don't give you the reason you were turned down are you on the electoral roll at your new address? You could also try getting in touch with the credit referral team at O2 but not sure how much that will help
Message 2 of 25

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I emailed my electoral role application back to my council a few weeks ago and got confirmation of receipt but I will double check on monday. Thing is I've been told I can't apply again for 30 days so I'm going to be without a phone for a month which is not a good situation. I'm thinking O2 have refused me as I have just moved, am divorced and work part time! I shouldn't have been so honest! If they looked further than the end of their noses they would see I have several credit cards which are all paid off in full each month and I have never defaulted on any bill. I'm appalled by them to be honest! Thanks for your response!
Message 3 of 25

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Your welcome I understand your frustration I do know the electoral roll is important they may also be looking at how much credit you have available which is bizarre I know but they sometimes think if you have lots of credit available you will over stretch yourself but you know that wont happen but they don't seem to think of it like that
Message 4 of 25

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It would just be nice if they would tell you why! It's so frustrating as it's definitely the best iPhone 5 deal out there and I want to stay with O2 for priority tickets! Not that they deserve my business anymore! Have ordered credit reports too in case there are any mistakes on my file but I know there aren't as I easily got a Laura ashley card in January! Grrrr! Must try and get some sleep but too annoyed!
Message 5 of 25

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I fully agree they should tell you why but there have been some similar posts on here recently and it seems they are under no obligation to explain their decision which is wrong I hope you can maybe get it sorted out in the end if you don't get fed up and tell them to stick it which I should think is on your mind right now
Message 6 of 25

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You could contact Experian to see whats on your credit file.


Do this by sending a cheque or sign up on line for a 30 days free trial.


Just remeber to cancel the subscription before the 30 days up if you do not want to pay.


Good luck.

Message 7 of 25

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@Anonymous wrote:
I emailed my electoral role application back to my council a few weeks ago and got confirmation of receipt but I will double check on monday. Thing is I've been told I can't apply again for 30 days so I'm going to be without a phone for a month which is not a good situation. I'm thinking O2 have refused me as I have just moved, am divorced and work part time! I shouldn't have been so honest! If they looked further than the end of their noses they would see I have several credit cards which are all paid off in full each month and I have never defaulted on any bill. I'm appalled by them to be honest! Thanks for your response!

It will be a combination of a new address i.e. not being there long enough and working part-time. I've personally had this from the bank for a rejected loan is that if you work under 16 hours then they refuse you even if you have proof of sufficient funds!


If its an electoral roll issue then it could be you missed the last registration period which I suspect the agencies used as a baseline for their records. How often they update that is unknown.


There's also the other factor of being a good payer. Several other posters have remarked they have a good history but have been rejected. Problem is we live in a debt culture so having some form of debt is better than having no debts in the eyes of credit referrals. 


Oh just thought - if you're divorced and reverted to another name then that could be another factor as effectively you haven't really existed since marriage (presuming the surname was changed).

Message 8 of 25

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Have you applied for credit on lots of other things too as that could be it
Message 9 of 25

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Obtaining the Credit Report will also let you ensure your not the victim of identity theft.
Message 10 of 25