on 24-12-2021 09:33
Welcome back everyone - Christmas Eve and bored of wrapping presents? Well, here's chance for the Forum Festive Frivolities to continue - come join the fun!
Hidden in a straight line across, up, down or diagonally (backwards or forwards too!) in the grid below are 30 singles titles. Each has been a #1 hit in the UK in the week in which Christmas Day fell, from the 1950s to last year,
The rules are simple:
- Find a title in the grid, give me the full title as printed in the grid, the start and end co-ordinates of the title and the title's group/singer/band name for a point;
- For a bonus, give me the year (or years - a bonus point per year) that the title by that artist was at the top in the Christmas Week chart;
- First person to tell me the year or years gets the bonus.
Then give someone else a chance, and repeat.
I'll be around to update the grid and keep track of the scores at intervals during the day. I will compile the winners towards the end of day.
NB: There are a few tricky ones in there, where a song or variant of a song was released by different artists, or where a release was a double A-side, watch out!
PS. Feel free to use any tool at your disposal to check date(s) and/or artist/s once you have found a title in the grid.
Over to you, happy hunting: @Cleoriff @Bambino @blissgirl @BobM @Cairdeas1 @gmarkj @J9el @jonsie @lewys-gp @madasaf1sh @MAKAZAGA @Martin-O2 @Mi-Amigo @MI5 @Pennywren @Projectionist @RafaC @RunrigForever @sheepdog @TallTrees and anyone else who fancies a go!
on 24-12-2021 11:57
on 24-12-2021 11:57
on 24-12-2021 11:57
on 24-12-2021 11:57
on 24-12-2021 12:00
on 24-12-2021 12:02
A quickie then off again sorry...
1H - 14U ... SOMETHING I NEED ... BEN HAENOW ... 2014
on 24-12-2021 12:04
on 24-12-2021 12:04
on 24-12-2021 12:08
on 24-12-2021 12:08
on 24-12-2021 12:11
on 24-12-2021 12:11
@pgn wrote:
1977 Wings MullofKintyre Q1 F13
Interesting backstory about pic on cover of Wings Greatest Hits.
Macca originally drew this as image for The Beatles album Everest, but was dropped when Beatles` album titled "Abbey Road". Years later, Macca, who owned the statuette, had it flown to Switzerland and photographed for Wings Greatest Hits album cover.
on 24-12-2021 12:11
on 24-12-2021 12:11
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 24-12-2021 12:13
on 24-12-2021 12:16
on 24-12-2021 12:16