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New New News!!!

Level 23: Casual Specs
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In today's society, anything and everything is classed as 'news'

A 'celeb' is pregnant or getting a divorce and it is front page news.

It annoys me when important stories, such as tragedies, are shoved to the 4th and 5th pages of a newspaper, yet a celeb gorging on a greasy burger and ignoring their diet is regarded as 'breaking news'

There are loads of magazines out there that can print celeb news so why can't that type of news be kept in the magazines and put just the real news in newspapers?

Message 1 of 114
113 REPLIES 113

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Sadly people keep themselves much more to themselves these days. It is a sad reflection of the times.

There appears to be a general lack of trust. People seem to be out for themselves much more these days with less caring for others. Sad but perception appears true.
Message 91 of 114

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@Anonymous wrote:

Sadly people keep themselves much more to themselves these days. It is a sad reflection of the times.

There appears to be a general lack of trust. People seem to be out for themselves much more these days with less caring for others. Sad but perception appears true.

Yes it is very sad - because it is self-perpetuating.  People are alone and lonely, and vulnerable to "attack" (all too often physical as well as financial) by the lowest ranks of humanity who lack goodness, kindness and compassion.  And that just drives the victims further into loneliness and depression.  A very vicious circle.

Message 92 of 114

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I agree and as times move on with technology the ways of carrying out such acts are now online too.
Message 93 of 114

Level 94: Supreme
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In my neighbourhood everyone looks out for ech other. People are more caring than you think. You all seem to be feeding the media view on this. Very blinkered views in my opinion and if indeed you live your lives like this, it's to your own detriment.

Message 94 of 114

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Have to disagree @jonsie I dont think anyone is being blinkered at all. We have all recognised that there is good and there is bad but sadly far too much of the bad at times and that is incontrovertible, though maybenot too evident from x thousand miles away. :0))
Message 95 of 114

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Freedom of opinion @Anonymous

That's why I try not to impose my opinions on others but instead discuss them.
Message 96 of 114

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@Anonymous wrote:
Freedom of opinion @Anonymous

That's why I try not to impose my opinions on others but instead discuss them.

I try to see the good in people, with some I can't.

There are villains, thieves and shysters about who prey on the weaknesses of others without a doubt. Bad things are happening in the world caused by religion, disease, famine and natural disasters etc. of course there are. These are the things that get reported quite rightly.

It's the celebrity gossip and MP scandals though that take up the most NEWS space and are usually sensationalised, naming names before even going to court.

OK, a simple question. How many of us have been directly affected by events reported, say in the last 2 months? (I'm fairly sure of one who will have been).

I'm not talking about a neighbour or ' work colleague' but personally or immediate family. It's just that I think too many of us are too worried to actually go out and live life to the full.

As for @Anonymous I'm not trying to impose my opinions on others. I was under the impression that this was a frank and open discussion. I can also open discussions on quality family time, condescending posts, month end and composing essays or indeed any serious topic if you'd care to start a thread. 

Disagreement is good @Anonymous and I may be thousands of miles away and untouched by events at home but I have eyes and ears and a small thing called the internet where I can read the BBC news, the Guardian, the Express (if I want a laugh) and the Telegraph so I'm hardly uninformed. Indeed, I can even read the news here on the community!
To both of you, I would like to wish you and yours a Happy New Year so as to end on a positive note

Message 97 of 114

Not applicable

@jonsie wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:
Freedom of opinion @Anonymous

That's why I try not to impose my opinions on others but instead discuss them.

I try to see the good in people, with some I can't.

There are villains, thieves and shysters about who prey on the weaknesses of others without a doubt. Bad things are happening in the world caused by religion, disease, famine and natural disasters etc. of course there are. These are the things that get reported quite rightly.

It's the celebrity gossip and MP scandals though that take up the most NEWS space and are usually sensationalised, naming names before even going to court.

OK, a simple question. How many of us have been directly affected by events reported, say in the last 2 months? (I'm fairly sure of one who will have been).

I'm not talking about a neighbour or ' work colleague' but personally or immediate family. It's just that I think too many of us are too worried to actually go out and live life to the full.

As for @Anonymous I'm not trying to impose my opinions on others. I was under the impression that this was a frank and open discussion. I can also open discussions on quality family time, condescending posts, month end and composing essays or indeed any serious topic if you'd care to start a thread. 

Disagreement is good @Anonymous and I may be thousands of miles away and untouched by events at home but I have eyes and ears and a small thing called the internet where I can read the BBC news, the Guardian, the Express (if I want a laugh) and the Telegraph so I'm hardly uninformed. Indeed, I can even read the news here on the community!
To both of you, I would like to wish you and yours a Happy New Year so as to end on a positive note

Good Morning @jonsie


I'm sure I didn't say you were trying to impose your opinions on others. I was addressing @Anonymous on my own way of discussing topics. If that's how you read that reply then my sincerest apologies to you. 😔


I submit people may read posts in a completely different tone than was originally meant by the Original Poster. I put a lot of time and thought into my replies as not to offend anyone and to ensure my wording is correct as I'm used to some of my posts / threads being either highlighted or have carefully constructed replies to them. I try to address people the same way I would like to be addressed. I edit my posts occasionally as I read them back and think that sounds harsh of tone. 😄


Regarding " . I can also open discussions on quality family time, condescending posts, month end and composing essays or indeed any serious topic if you'd care to start a thread. "


I'd be more than happy to engage with you or any other members if you or they would like to " start a thread " themselves on any allowed reasonable topic. 😄


Back to On Topic ->  I too read many outlets of News and share Tech Topics in the correct Discussion Boards ,that I think may spark debate and interest, as so do others who share such interesting News as from the medical profession world ,and the interesting chat style threads about everyday life and general interests.


I enjoy them all but I submit some don't but that's a part of most forums isn't it. A cross section of people using this awesome forum all in the correct manner and within the guidelines.


These must spark interest as the Site Co-Ordinators themselves join in and indeed create these type of threads themselves. 


Thank you very much for your message regarding the New Year and in return I would also like you wish you, Gerry and everyone else also a very Happy And Prosperous New Year. 


Take Care and Keep Safe. 




Message 98 of 114

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As this is a thread about News, I see the BAD news for today is....

*Another plane missing (Air Asia) 162 passengers aboard....Contact was lost between Indonesia and Singapore

*A Ferry has caught fire sailing from Greece to Italy.....Currently evacuating the ferry....

Always some disaster at this time of year....:smileysad:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 99 of 114

Not applicable

I agree sad news indeed. 


Links to stories  -> flight QZ8501 from Indonesia to Singapore missing


Ferry catches fire off Greece

Message 100 of 114