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My smart tech

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An old friend popped round last night, not seen him since school. After a greeting, a brew and a chat I could see him looking around.. not sure what he was thinking I told him to go for a look.

My place is only small and he came back a minute later saying ‘you don’t even have a tv!’ and then he proceeded to list the tech he has uses. (Yawn)

I have an 


internet radio

iPhone 3GS (Moto G5 is for sale)


I like to try new tech but I don’t seem to able to stick with it!

 So I’m wondering if I’m the only one these days with a pad practically devoid of tech? Am I an old man already?

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These days I only have my phones and a tablet that dies after an hour because the battery is kaput and I miss my laptops back home but I couldn't do without my cable TV. 

Old is a state of mind and its more a question of what you are comfortable with. I'm not one to need the latest device as a status symbol. There's nothing I need that I can't now do on my Note 3 donated by a very kind friend on the community 

Message 2 of 41

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What a kind friend @jonsie I have a similar one who lent me this iPad Air indefinitely! 


Whenever I see tv these days it always seems to be cops chasing criminals for a fly on the wall series or customs giving people a thorough checking in Australia! Mindnumbing!

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What a kind friend @jonsie I have a similar one who lent me this iPad Air indefinitely! 


Whenever I see tv these days it always seems to be cops chasing criminals for a fly on the wall series or customs giving people a thorough checking in Australia! Mindnumbing!

You are watching the wrong programs @Anonymous. Some really good dramas on TV at the moment....

Though as you say, each to their own. relieved

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Girl in a jacket
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Incidentally did anyone watch Striker recently on BBC 2? Very much brought things home to me.... 

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Do you mean Strike? Brilliant series. I loved it.


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Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 41

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@Cleoriff it’s just what I see when I’m round at other places. If I go see the olds.. it’s Judge Judy 🤔


Can’t watch anything on the beeb (no licence) but I see The Good Fight has reappeared so I might have to watch that!!

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Do you mean Strike? Brilliant series. I loved it.


Yeah that's the one. Hope to be walking in his shoes 😊😉 Exact same but different leg, I was quite shocked they showed it to be honest. It was like looking into a mirror and brought home the reality. It's quite amazing how they could use technology to portray Tom Burke's prosthetic and limb when  he is able-bodied. Marvelous!  

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Jusr caught up with your thread @Anonymous.

As @jonsie said old is a state of mind and really has nothing to do with what tech you have or haven't got.

Me, I couldn't live without my phone - it's how I keep in touch with the outside world and allows me to do all my online shopping as well as my gaming; my tablet because I'm an avid reader and do like my games and catch up TV; and my TV. I don't get out much anymore so tech for me has become essential.

There's more on TV than reality shows and real life cop shows. Though I have to admit I do love Judge Judy. I also loved the Strike drama, particularly as I read the book, and the 2 previous books on Strike which the Beeb also made into dramas last year. And The Good Fight, which you mentioned, returned this past Thursday as good as ever.

I admit to being a TV junkie (though not keen on reality shows like TOWIE or I'm  a Celebrity etc) and as I don't get to the cinema anymore, and don't have Sky or Virgin, can boast a varied film and TV boxset collection.

But all of the above is what both makes me happy and is essential to keeping me sane and my mind active. Very important at 72.

If you can live happily without tech in your home great. It neither makes you old nor out of touch. It's your life and as long as your happy that's all that matters. What suits one person doesn't always suit another.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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Yes as said before, age is a state of mind. I arrived very late in life to the world of smart tech.

Due to this forum I have come a long way since then. I prefer to use my PC as opposed to my phone but as I started with computers first I suppose that's to be expected. I also have a tablet.


I shop online for everything. That's not laziness on my part, I never liked shopping when I was much much younger. I have a saying now 'if it can't be bought online, it doesn't get bought'


My husband was also a slow starter re smart tech. He could build computers and set up every other gadget going at the time. However, he used his mobile phone as an alarm only.!!

He only got 'competetive' when he saw me trundling along with my mobile phone and  tablet


Now he has one of the latest phones, a smartwatch and a tablet. He is quite pleased with himself. Smiley Very Happy


Neither of us could be without our TV though. The one downstairs is linked to Sky, the one upstairs in our sons room has freeview. He also has a Android wifi box linked to that which allows him to watch the same programmes as us via a streaming link.


I also have to make sure wherever I am in the world I don't miss Formula 1, so I have Mobdro installed on my PC, phone and tablet.

The one thing I don't do, is read books via Kindle, phone or tablet. I have a bit of a thing about books. Love them. They always come via Amazon in  proper book format.


Now I have made you 'yawn' with my story, I will get off and go and put some washing in...

Pity I can't do that online LOL

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Girl in a jacket
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