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It's Global Community Engagement Day!

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Hi guys,

Happy Thursday! wave


Not sure if you knew this already but today is Global Community Engagement Day!


While that’s of course something to celebrate within our local communities, we think that now - more than ever - this means a lot for online communities, such as our fabulous O2 Community


Of course, I have only recently joined you guys, but I especially enjoy seeing how involved everyone here on the O2 Community is, in particular in the Off topic area. From @Mi-Amigo 's weekly games (still have to catch up with you guys on that), to reading through “What made me happy today…” and - probably my favourite of them all - the “Cats & Dogs” thread.


But of course that’s not all: It’s absolutely amazing to see how you’re all going the extra mile to help new and existing community members with their questions and issues, creating guides, sharing feedback and ideas and advising on O2’s services and products. That deserves a round of applause in itself clap clap clap

As some of you have been a member of this community for years and others have joined rather recently (like myself), we wanted to ask you personally on this year’s Global Community Engagement Day - What is your favourite thing about the O2 Community? This could be meeting new people, giving advice or solving games and puzzles for fun. Whatever you are here for, we want to hear it. So, share your thoughts, favourite things to do on the Community or favourite moments to look back on (and forward to)! smiling

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Message 1 of 9

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I enjoy getting involved in everything! Now that doesn't mean I answer extremely technical posts, I usually leave that to the experts. However, having learnt from them, if I know the answer, I'll post.


When I joined the forum, I was known as the Queen of Off Topic which suited me (and still does). Off Topic wasn't very popular back in those days but I enjoy the camaraderie of that section where you can have a laugh and joke with anyone and everyone.

I suppose we were lucky that current and recent past managers, realised the importance of off topic and actively encouraged people to post there.


Back in the day, I liked starting posts about medical breakthroughs and new scientific developments. I don't do that often now as I have been out of the profession for over 12 years, although I still keep myself updated. 


I enjoy the quizzes, which thanks to @Mi-Amigo keeps our brains ticking over. We also have a Naughty Step which is very weird but hasn't been used much recently. rofl (BEWARE)


I also enjoy meeting new members and try to welcome them whenever possible.

Over the past 4 years, this forum has been a life saver for me, so it's fair to say, I enjoy all of it.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 9

Not applicable



2 parts to this for me:


The friendships which for me have grown over the 7 years I have been part of the community. There have been times when the community has been a lifeline for me


I find the community a help to answer my very naive IT questions. My questions are answered in a knowledgeable way without making me feel silly 


I generally post in Off-Topic ... but every so often ask a technical question about IT be it phone, tablet or laptop


My phone is always with me ... my laptop is my window on the world, particularly when I am unwell ... my tablet plays Runrig featuring the lyrical voice of Donnie Munro


Need to keep all these portable electronic devices working well ... so ... here is my Go To place smiling



Message 3 of 9

Level 67: Unsung hero
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The o2 community is a fantastic community and it is just that - a community rather than a forum.
You can ask almost any question without feeling stupid (there are no stupid questions), and can get answers from some knowledgeable members.

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From what I saw on the community you can definitely call yourself an expert @Cleoriff smile You are always helping members and are so welcoming to everyone. And I wholeheartedly agree on the Off Topic area! It's such an important part of any community and it's a pity if that's not recognised. I felt welcome right away being invited to join @Mi-Amigo 's WRQ on day one joy


Glad to hear the community is so important to you and, even though I've only been here for a few weeks, I think I'm speaking on regards of the whole team when saying that it wouldn't be the same without you!

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Message 5 of 9

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@Anonymous Wow, I haven't been aware you've been part of the community for 7 years astonished That's amazing! I bet you have seen a thing or two on here joy


@Anonymous @gmarkj It's great to hear the community is so important to you as well as the other members, it is indeed more than a forum like @gmarkj said, it's really a community. And I feel like I have already learned a lot from reading through all the IT and tech posts (and the quizzes of course) joy I suppose you never stop learning! wink

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If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 6 of 9

Level 47: Going Places
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I joined the O2 Community almost two years ago [on 13 Feb 2019], when I asked a question about a con payforit. I am probably the biggest technophobe on the Community and fail to grasp anything, even the most basic, geeky thing, so it was a pleasant and welcome surprise to receive clear, helpful and friendly advice from members. So much so, I decided to hang around, look at various threads in Off Topic, and got round to posting. I was a real newby but was made to feel so welcome.

As I said, I don`t know enough about phones or technology to advise and help customers but often check replies so I can see what an awesome job [unpaid] members do; so, instead started posting in Off Topic, which I continue to do and has become part of my daily life. 

A short while after joining the Community, I started a quiz [the fore-runner to the White Room Quiz] and it has been, and continues to be, an honour and a privilege to organise and run the White Room Quiz, and the Word Hunt Diamond game, which helps keep my brain active, and am so grateful to all those who take part.

If nothing else, the O2 Community is what it says - a community. It offers support and help; gives each of us a chance to voice an opinion in a friendly environment, even if there are differences of opinion; and the light-hearted posts which make me smile or laugh out loud. All of which helps me forget any little thing which I might otherwise let play on my mind.

I for one am grateful to the Community and I am so pleased to have made what I truly consider friends on here.

Long may this Community continue. Cheers Bow


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 7 of 9

Not applicable

@TheresaV wrote:

@Anonymous Wow, I haven't been aware you've been part of the community for 7 years astonished That's amazing! I bet you have seen a thing or two on here joy


Let's say yes to the hilarity ... particularly needed in these dark times now

There are members who have been part of the community a lot longer than me ... I don't know when the community started, but I'm sure someone does

These outstandingly good people, before and after me, are what I think of as 'High End Regulars'

Message 8 of 9

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@Mi-Amigo Hear, hear! It's so great to see how helpful and welcoming people are on this community. Sometimes it's hard to understand certain things, especially when it's quite techy. It's amazing that so many members on here are here to help, even with the tiniest question. 
Very glad you decided to join and make it all the more fun with your weekly quizzes, they would be surely missed otherwise I am sure wink


@Anonymous Well said! And I am glad everyone can come here in these difficult times to get through this together smiling



COVID-19 support - Help and support from O2 during the lockdown
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If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 9 of 9