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Help: Kindle - I just can't get through the on-screen instructions .....

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..... & can't seem to give the damm thing away Destroy

It was a buy from me to me for my 60th in January BUT my old & impaired brain won't process the on-screen instructions = no paper instructions as back-up & oh boy are the instructions of the verbal diahorrea type

I am vexed as it was a logical thing for me to do & was offerred help from an author friend of mine = Nhys Glover (Google her) but she got busy which is a good thing for her

I am not one to bleat but I'm really stuck and so much is Kindle only on Amazon now - I'm into werewolf romance atm

It is hard for me to do IT stuff as it must be for you, dear reader, to understand my struggling with 21st century IT stuff slight_frown

Before my son 29 flew the nest he would have patiently explained it all to me BUT he is busy & I don't want to pester him & make a nuisance of myself = I just make a nuisance of myself here on O2 Community Forum wink

Any help would be much appreciated as always Cat

Message 1 of 42

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Thank you BandofBrothers once again Wave

I will patiently go through these sites & persevere at my own pace Thanks!

And I promise to you & to myself that I wont throw the basic Kindle at whatever wall is nearest if I get any way near distressed with it = I will walk away from it & chill out with a virtual Mojito from Wantys or a cuppa tea outside in this lovely weather we are having atm slight_smile

Have a good weekend Mexican Wave

Message 3 of 42

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Here to help.

Keep smiling. slight_smile
Message 4 of 42

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Sure will try to keep a friendly smile on my face, thank you for the support, info & friendliness Cat

Message 5 of 42

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Which kindle did you get?

I have the Paperwhite but passed the previous version with keyboard onto my OH so if you want to ask anything specific I'll try and answer. I'm working over the weekend slight_frown so may take a little while to answer though.

It should already be linked to your account if you bought it from Amazon. The easiest way to get your books on it that you buy from Amazon is to buy from the PC and send it to the Kindle in the section that's a bit like the 1-click box on the right of the page.

Age is no barrier to tech, I'm a tad older than you but have to explain a lot of things to my boss who is several years younger Smiley LOL

iPhone 14 Pro (O2 ), S23U (EE), iPad Pro LTE (EE), .

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Message 6 of 42

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Hi @Anonymous  I have two Kindles, the last one is the Kindle Fire. I too struggled with the onscreen

instructions. (purely due to the way I learn)

I printed the Amazon guide for the Kindle from their site. Then I could read through them at my pace...

and practice what I read on the Kindle itself.

Many people are brilliant at absorbing onscreen instructions, and 'getting it' immediately. I am not one

of those people Shocked I need to learn from written instructions and keep them as reference.

Once I had these, I progressed through my Kindle step by step until I understood it

If I say so myself, I am now quite proficient with the it.

(on a side note though..I still prefer real books.... I am a book fanatic you might sayCat

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 42

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Aldaweb & Cleoriff thank you for what you both say, its encouraging & I'm very like you Cleoriff in the way I learn, but no printer as I kicked it some time ago & it does not function Destroy it was very briefly therapeutic for me at the time but not so good for the printer & it so long-winded going up to the town library & printing out there ..... need to get myself another basic printer preferably one with surrounding rubber bumpers LOL

Can I get back to you Aldaweb after the weekend please? ..... I am very grateful for your offer of help & well done you for advising your boss 

My son 29 is a CADman & grew up with computers & seems natural with IT but has other priorities, quite rightly, than having me take up his precious time with IT stuff when I like to enjoy contact with him & not use up the time talking about my laptop/Kindle/phone/digital camera/SKY, but I will ask him in Autumntime if he can organise me a new medium sized flat screen tv. He lives in Leeds, I live in Skipton

Goodnight & God Bless Cat

Message 8 of 42

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"Kicked the printer"

Thank you for making me smile.

Rofl.... Priceless. slight_smile

I hope all this fantastic advice and offers of help go someway to move you on to enjoying your Kindle.
Message 9 of 42

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I said we had much in common @Anonymous regarding your action of 'kicking the printer'

I am sure @Anonymous will attest that I said something similar yesterday about 'smashing my S3 up

the wall'.....

It must be a glorious trait of reaching a certain age, where we get a lot of pleasure 'kicking out' at all

things technological LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 10 of 42