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Gardeners in the O2 Community

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Hello! Enjoying looking through the queries and different topics occasionally but recently time has been limited by lots of gardening work at the end of the season. I have six upright growing Apple Trees and 5 upright growing pear trees called Minarettes closely pruned to keep columnar. Summer prune to shape whilst fruit still on and to keep them about 600mm apart.  Fruit then ripens as normal and picking September.  I have a mini plum tree also has summer prune to keep in shape.  A fig tree (given part of a very old one) growing in a large pot, also  patio peach and nectarine trees growing in 2 very large pots.  If I have too many fruits I make a mixed fruit jam with all the different fruits.  My passion is my Bees Osmia rufa ~ Red Mason Bee ~ an early pollinator and a sweet and gentle bee.  I breed these in special tubed boxes every year.  They are super pollinators and love fruit trees!  So we all enjoy the season!  Love to hear from other gardeners.  

Happiness is bee shaped!



Message 1 of 53

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I’m so glad you posted. I recently rode through a field full of sunflowers and i wondered if it was too late to plant some now?


i am soooo not a gardener but to tick something else off the bucket list I’d like to grow something. Communal garden with no growing space so I’m kinda limited! 


Your help is appreciated!


ps.. breed bees in tubes? WTH??

Message 2 of 53

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I love gardening @TallTrees.

I haven't got a massive garden but have loads of shrubs (and two conifers I need to get rid of.)

I tend to plant a lot in pots. So I have summer and winter colour.

No time to list everything I have in the garden...we would be here all day joy


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 53

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Hi, Great to meet you.

Bucket? well if you have a bucket with a hole in you have a garden! Gardens happen something like:-  work this season enjoy next season (so no you can't plant Sunflowers now ~ but you can the next season).


This month to November I am planting for Spring season ~ in a small pot or better a small bucket! put in a hole for drainage.  Fill bucket or pot with nice garden or John Innes No.3 Soil (small bag from garden centre) to about 75mm from rim put in as many crocus corms as you can,  lay out side by side on soil to fill the pot neatly  (pointy side up) then cover with more soil to about 25mm from rim of pot/bucket pat down lightly, lightly water the surface, place pot/bucket in sunny spot and in spring they will provide you (and bees) with a lovely colourful display. Crocus are easy going and will always give you the pleasure of spring in a bucket.


Yes bees do nest in tubes ~ photo of my bees and their nesting tubes (these holding boxes were made for me) 

.WP_20180422_15_44_35_Pro (3).jpgA RED MASON BEE IS ON THE FACE OF THE BOX

WITH NESTING TUBES IN!  The larger Centre tube is where the newly hatched bees emerge from.

Enjoy your garden. Tiny gardens are special.

Best wishes TallTrees




Message 4 of 53

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Hi Cleoriff ~

I have quite a large garden but always have lots of pots too. 

The seasons are absolutely wonderful for pots. Last fall  I bought some tulips and they were absolutely stunning when they came up in Spring this year.


WP_20180422_13_36_49_Pro.jpgJust picked up a packet from supermarket looked good on the photo but superb in reality.

I never find tulips look as good next season but can't bear to throw out so just pick a spot and plant bulbs anyway in the garden.  

Thank you for your comments ~ look forward to you staying around during the seasons.

Kind regards TallTrees


Message 5 of 53

Not applicable

I learn something new everyday.. so glad I’m here! 

Message 6 of 53

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Thanks for posting @TallTrees! I love the Red Masons, they're so cute!


I've done my first proper bit of gardening this year (other then just mowing the lawn) and I planted Scotch Bonnet chillies, Chives and Rocket in pots. Made use of most of them over the summer and picked my first few chillies at the weekend! Made a lovely, but very hot curry sauce and I still have about 20 left to harvest! 


Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 09.40.46.png


I'm planning to expand a bit next year and grow a few carrots and some potatoes in buckets along with more chillies and herbs! 

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Message 7 of 53

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Wow @Martin-O2

That would have been one HOT curry.

I had a jambalaya once in the US...they did a few variations and one had scotch bonnet chili's as a side didh. 

My son was about to try it, until he saw the guy on the next table eat his and then run about screaming for

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 53

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It was pretty brutal @Cleoriff dizzy I eat a lot of hot food so I'm used to it but this blew me away! 


Haha I don't blame the guy! I needed a big glass of milk to get through that. 

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Message 9 of 53

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Loving this thread @TallTreesthumbsup I don't have a garden as I live in a flat. 😞 However, I'm planning to move as soon as I can find something suitable for my 2 cats, and with a garden if possible. So I will be looking to this thread for some tips in a few months' time. Although I suppose I can't plant anything at all during the winter? open_mouth

Message 10 of 53