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Easter Baking (An attempt)

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Hey guys,


it is the season of the bunnies and the daffodils and the eggs … oh and of the lamb cake.


As a lot of people made fun of me lately for bringing up my lamb cake. I decided to bake one to show all of you that this tradition is not only important but also delicious.


A bit of trivia: In Germany, a lamb is sacrificed at Easter, but baked in commemoration of the resurrection, a cake in the shape of an Easter lamb. In the weeks preceding Easter, each bakery bakes and sells hundreds of these cakes. Some are covered in powdered sugar, some a lemon glaze and some even cover them in chocolate and candies.


The only hurdle? I have never baked anything in my life before. So sit back and watch me giving birth to my very first (lamb) cake just for you.




10:22 am - Gathering ingredients

I have realised that I have nothing in my house that goes into cake. I shall be back in 10 - a quick trip to the market….



11.30 - Gathering Ingredients II

This took longer than expected - turns out that supermarkets don’t have a “exactly the ingredients you need for a lamb cake” isle. But I managed… here they are….




11.40 - In the mix

I realised I have nothing to mix the batter with - Using a smoothie maker now. Wish me luck…




12:01 pm - I am sweating

Baking is stressful - This might be the first and last lamb cake I will make.


12:05 pm - The mould

Key is the mould - I had to get this of Amazon. It needs a little dusting and cleaning - we have no idea where this has been…




12:08pm - Me and my big mouth

I wish I would have said nothing and let the cake slip but here we are - elbows deep in cake batter. Also may need to renovate kitchen.


12:15 pm - BURN

So the recipe calls for 180 degrees and I have a gas stove so I have no idea what to do. I figured I could do 45 minutes on a 7 or 10 minutes on 15.


Screenshot 2021-04-03 at 17.59.22.png


1:00 pm - Definitely sacrificed a lamb

no comment - we shall see what it looks like once I take it out.


1:10 pm 😒

Screenshot 2021-04-03 at 18.00.57.png


1:15 pm - I AM A GENIUS

Call me Gordon Ramsey - cake looks like a painting. I may have broke its neck but no one will know. She is beautiful. Everyone meet DOLLY…



1:35pm - Finishing Touches

Can’t send Dolly out without any make up on. So here we go. Made her extra pretty. She is beautiful, She is a Model, She is Linda Evangelista….





She is also a little dry …. I am going to buy some jam …


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@Mi-Amigo wrote:


So does that mean @LukasB is



Technicall yes @Mi-Amigo joy

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