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Covid-19 Lockdown And Self-isolation Support Group

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More and more people are or will be suffering the effects of coronavirus.


Last weekend, I was concerned about the advice that over 70s should self-isolate and posted my worries on a thread. Thanks to the messages of support, I now feel more positive about coping and dealing with things on a day by day basis.


Yesterday, we heard that one of the members of the O2 Community - @BOSSGOGG - and his family are in self-impossed lockdown and self-isolation.

Sadly, he and his family may only be the first of our members to self-isolate.


In the circumstances, and so rather than cases be reported on different threads and be missed, I have set this thread up to compliment the Coronavirus thread [with news and updates on the virus], and the "work-from-home" threads.


This is a place to post and let others know if you or your family have decided to, or have to, self-isolate

It is also the place where we can offer messages of support to all those in such a situation.


We are a Community. We are here. We can and will share our experiences. We can and will help and support. We will overcome this virus.


Thank you all for caring


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 30

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Covid-19 Lockdown And Self-isolation Support [CLASS] Group


As the first post, I would like to extend my thoughts to @BOSSGOGG and his family who are self-impossed lockdown/self-isolation. 

I hope that you are managing during these difficult times.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 2 of 30

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Good idea for the thread @Mi-Amigo 

Will be good to see others supporting others on here and keeping it in one place. . As you say, we are a community. My Coronavirus thread was started initially to tell the forum that Covid 19 was here in the UK. We are beyond that now.


As for me being retired, I pretty much self isolate anyway, unless I have to attend for a routine 3 monthly hospital appointment. Last weekend at Brean may not have been a good idea but the situation is so fluid we had no intention of cancelling. This weekend has been cancelled due to government directives. Our gang meet up frequently for social events but we are supporting each other via calls, Messenger and Skype.


However, I have my PC and this forum. I read a hell of a lot and when it's not raining, I am out in the garden.


Just want to give a big thumbs up to those people who have to work outside of home. The medical and paramedical professions, the store assistants (who are abused daily) the delivery drivers (my son is one of those) bus and taxi drivers...and others too many to mention.


A heads up from Hermes the delivery company. They will no longer be handing parcels to residents. You will have to indicate a safe place for parcels.


On a lighter note....I am no longer getting spam calls from India telling me about the accident I never had or the non existent problems with my windows pc. LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 30

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Great idea and another example of this being a fantastic community.
I am now working from home, more from instruction that necessity if honest (daughter is at school today and probably tomorrow).
Our street has a secret (hidden) FB group, and we are supporting each other on there. One neighbour has already got some supplies for another, and we are next on the list to go.
Some of my family are also in isolation - my grandparents are over 80 and so have been advised (told) to keep themselves in their house and not take visitors. We are also doing some shopping for them this weekend but will just be leaving it at the door for them to collect.
Back on topic, I too hope that @BOSSGOGG and family are well and that they keep their spirits (and toilet rolls) high.
I also hope that others can cope with their isolation be it imposed or otherwise.

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 4 of 30

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I would just like to add here that there is no ONE rule for everyone.

Currently the country is NOT in total lockdown and folk must do what's best for them.


We know @BOSSGOGG has chosen to self isolate and best of luck and good for him. However, we saw some glorious photos he took when walking on a deserted beach with his son.


@Anonymous  loves to run and cycle. As long as he is pursuing those hobbies alone, he is much safer than queuing at a supermarket trying to buy toilet rolls!


@jonsieloves the occasional visit to his local pub. We know from another thread that he takes more precautions than most as the pub isn't full and he takes his antiseptic wipes everywhere with him.


So do what you want to do... as long as you keep safe and think of the safety of others. heart

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 30

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Well said @Cleoriff 


100% agree with everything you put heart



Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 6 of 30

Not applicable
If anyone does need a friendly chat or a shoulder to cry on. I have created a Skype account and I’m happy to give the details via PM. (This is why I miss messenger)

With this wonderful online world.. isolation doesn’t have to mean total isolation..
Message 7 of 30

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Great idea @Anonymous 

I`m not very techy minded but will certainly look at creating Skype account

and thanks for posting on this thread.



thank you for your comments. I hope you are coping with working from home and wish you and your family well in the circumstances.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 8 of 30

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Personally, until told different and being 6 months on the right side of 70, I'm hoping to carry on as normal.


One thing changed today, my MH Nurse phoned me and had to cancel my home visit today as one of support workers had to go home and self isolate this morning. Instead our meeting was over the phone, touching on my mood, my medication and  Netflix. They will continue to visit those in need of more face-to-face support. 


My thoughts are with my paramedic son who has to use hazmat suits on occasions and then go home to his family every night. Obviously his children are exempt from the school restrictions but being 16 and 12 years old, they are old enough and responsible enough to stay safe at home. I'm fairly sure the kids would opt for that given the choice. The eldest has his GCE's this year and has been revising over the past months. We await the government ruling on exams and teacher assessment has been mentioned.


They are all supposed to fly to Turkey on the 3rd April for their first holiday in 18 months. That is now looking very doubtful and being all paid for they have the added stress of getting their money back.


At the same time my youngest son is booked on an Easyjet flight from Berlin to come over and stay with me. I have been so looking forward to this but in the next couple of days I expect both Germany and the UK to be on lockdown status.


At the moment I'm well and so I'm going to the local Tesco later to see if there is any bread left and it would be remiss of me not to attempt to keep my local hostelry in business until all pubs are shut!!

Message 9 of 30

Level 8: Talented
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Great idea.

Thanks for the kind words everyone so far. Yes , we have jumped the gun slightly and chosen to self isolate. Not an easy choice with 2 kids.
I have been given the second chance of life twice. Once from my dad 20 years ago and a more recent transplant from my sister. This comes first for us.
I'm relatively lucky that apart from this ( it's enough 😁 ) I'm a big , fit and healthy guy.
For now it's early days. I'm personally used to the isolation having worked on ships for years in another life. My family not so much.

There is no one answer as above. But I'm in total agreement that mixing with others is just not worth the risk.

Word on the street is that my company ( one of the largest out there ) is prepping for immediate closure for X amount of weeks.

Good luck out there kids.
Message 10 of 30