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Have we got any fellow Audible (or other audiobook) "readers" in the community?


I've always been an avid reader from a very young age, originally being drawn in by Enid Blyton as a youngster - and have never been far from a good book since. As life has got busier, however, I found it more and more difficult to make time to enjoy reading - I love losing myself in the story, so the odd snatched page here and there doesn't do it for me.


I discovered Audible just before Christmas, and decided to give it a whirl. It's not the same as sitting turning the pages and reading a book, and if I try to listen to a book when I'm doing other things I tend to lose concentration too easily (being a bloke and all, multi-tasking doesn't come naturally, haha!) however I've found audible books to be a fantastic want of brightening up my commute to and from the office, which can be anything from 20 mins to close to 2 hours depending on traffic! 


I don't have the book playing all of the time, instead interchange it with Spotify playlists, but in the time since I have clocked up over 89hrs of listening apparently, which is quite some feat!


If you haven't already, I'd highly recommend giving the free trial a go to see what you make of it. slight_smile 

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I've thought about it for listening to whilst in the car but I've so many subscriptions for different things I don't need any more.
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When you travel the world and the only source of books written in English are the ridiculous airport prices, believe me, Kindle is a godsend. So a free book is 2 years old, no problem if it's well written and the type you don't want to put down. I've discovered many authors I had never heard of but have purchased sequels because the first book was so good. Paid as much as 99p wink Leave your kindle at home, again no problem, open the app on phone or tablet.

I always liked a book on the bedside table but you need the lamp on at the risk of your partner complaining about the light. Nowadays I woulden't be without the ease of reading a book wherever I am simply by waking up the phone, tablet or Kindle.

Message 12 of 25

Not applicable

I gave my Kindle away ... just prefer reading from a book which I get off Amazon ... but am interested in Audible because I like the BBC Radio 4 Book at Bedtime & Book of the Week ... it's something about hearing someone read me a story slight_smile

Message 13 of 25

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I'm sure I'd fall asleep listening too!
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Message 14 of 25

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@MI5 wrote:
I'm sure I'd fall asleep listening too!

Unless it's Crackanory. If you have never heard Crackanory you have missed a treat....Funnily enough series 2015 was sponsored by Audible.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 15 of 25

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I'll check it out.
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it's already started on Dave. Next episode on Monday 6th February. I expect it will be on catch up if anyone is interested...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 17 of 25

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Ta muchly
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Message 18 of 25

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@jonsie wrote:

I use audible but unfortunately you have to be doing nothing but listening. Anything else you are doing is total distraction.

I read in any spare time I have but always before dropping off to sleep. I read a book every two days and get them all free through Bookbub via Amazon.

My earliest recollections were the the Hardy Boys by Franklin someone, ..famous five, secret seven pre teens. I'll even read the ingredients on a sauce bottle these days....

Found bookbub last year and have got about 30-40 books through them. Found new authors that I like, and some I don't but agree as they are free/reduced it is worth a try!

Also use the Google books app as some versions are available through that but not the Kindle app.


For listening I use an app called podkicker rather than audible. I listen to a lot of podcasts, some football some music.


Also used to listen to Scott Sigler podcasts, where he serialised his books. For free! His style is sci fi horror. Think Stephen King mixed with Michael Crichton. He self published his way onto the New York Times best seller list which is really impressive.

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I'm more of a comic book reader @Wa10 wink


I did however listen to some Harry Potter audio books read by Stephen Fry which was great!

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