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Audible Picks for September 2022

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Hi everyone!


I've recently started my Audible subscription back up and realized how much I missed being able to "read" while I do other stuff. Honestly, choosing a new book can be hard but choosing a new audiobook can be even harder. There's no library to play little snippets of them so I thought I'd put my thinking cap on to give you some great suggestions to get you started with your Fall reads.







Fire and Blood

By: George R.R. Martin
Length: 27 hrs and 15 mins
Release date: 20-11-18
4.4 out of 5 stars (2,197 ratings)



If you're looking for a story even better than Game of Thrones, this is it. It's also the source material for the new HBO series House of the Dragon. It's a much more compact story than the Song of Ice and Fire series so if you're unsure if you want to delve into those massive tomes, give this one a listen first.








By: Yuval Noah Harari

Length: 15 hrs and 18 mins

Release date: 30-04-15   

 4.7 out of 5 stars(24,881 ratings)



In 200,000 years, humans have done more to change the face of this planet than any other animal. What makes us the most advanced and destructive creatures to have lived on earth? An excellent listen for those of us who enjoy both excellent story-telling and mind-blowing information. The best kind of book to be consumed in audio format, in my opinion.







The Sentence

By: Louise Erdrich

Length: 11 hrs and 49 mins

Release date: 04-11-21

 4.2 out of 5 stars(132 ratings)



"The Sentence, asks what we owe to the living, the dead, to the reader and to the book."


Shortlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction 2022, this complex is one of Erdrich's best novels. I was introduced to this author through The Plague of Doves in an undergrad course and honestly wasn't enthralled but this story, beginning on All Souls Day 2019 and ending on All Souls Day 2020 is a great read.







This Much Is True

By: Miriam Margolyes

Length: 15 hrs and 7 mins

Release date: 16-09-21

 4.8 out of 5 stars(7,138 ratings)



I'm sure you're all familiar with her but I'll be honest, I had no idea who Miriam Margolyes was until I saw her on TV in 2021. The true bonus here is that she narrates the book herself which just puts the cherry on top of this extraordinary story. Anybody else think she would be the perfect Nanny Ogg?







Moriarty: The Devil's Game

By: Charles Kindinger

Narrated by: Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Phil LaMarr, Lindsay Whisler




Presented in podcast form with an all-star cast, this new take on the classic Sherlock Holmes villain is definitely on my list. It's also in the Audible Plus Catalogue which means that it's free to listen with your membership and won't use up your credits!


Did you know you can get up to 6 months of Audible as an O2 Extra? If you're a reader, it's definitely one to take advantage of.


Are there any books on your to-read or to-listen pile at the moment?

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Some great tips in here @Breanna!


I have never watched Game of Thrones (I know, I know) nor read the books by GeorgeR.R. Martin so I guess that's a good way to start!

Sapiens is one that's been on my list for ages, never thought about listening to it instead of reading it, might give it a go. 

Thanks for the Audible picks slight_smile

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@Breanna - may have to re-activate my subscription for the new Alan Partridge, ‘From the Oasthouse - series two’ podcast….a-ha.

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@RafaC I always find nonfiction books a dreadful slog but on audio they become so interesting. A lifesaver when I was in grad school!

@J9el There are just some people who can tell a good story can't they? Podcasts are always hit and miss for me so I love finding a good one. Definitely will look up the series -- especially seeing as I was just charged for my first month after the free trial period. Time to put it to good use!

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