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Have we got any fellow Audible (or other audiobook) "readers" in the community?


I've always been an avid reader from a very young age, originally being drawn in by Enid Blyton as a youngster - and have never been far from a good book since. As life has got busier, however, I found it more and more difficult to make time to enjoy reading - I love losing myself in the story, so the odd snatched page here and there doesn't do it for me.


I discovered Audible just before Christmas, and decided to give it a whirl. It's not the same as sitting turning the pages and reading a book, and if I try to listen to a book when I'm doing other things I tend to lose concentration too easily (being a bloke and all, multi-tasking doesn't come naturally, haha!) however I've found audible books to be a fantastic want of brightening up my commute to and from the office, which can be anything from 20 mins to close to 2 hours depending on traffic! 


I don't have the book playing all of the time, instead interchange it with Spotify playlists, but in the time since I have clocked up over 89hrs of listening apparently, which is quite some feat!


If you haven't already, I'd highly recommend giving the free trial a go to see what you make of it. slight_smile 

I work for O2, however any advice or opinion given in this community should be considered my own and not necessarily representative of Telefónica UK Limited.
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I use audible but unfortunately you have to be doing nothing but listening. Anything else you are doing is total distraction.

I read in any spare time I have but always before dropping off to sleep. I read a book every two days and get them all free through Bookbub via Amazon.

My earliest recollections were the the Hardy Boys by Franklin someone, ..famous five, secret seven pre teens. I'll even read the ingredients on a sauce bottle these days....

Message 2 of 25

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tried it, but id rather a real book.
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
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Message 4 of 25

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Free ones at that! Love the smell and feel of a real book? What's that all about, a good read is a good read whichever form you enjoy, synced across 4 devices, sometimes progress is what you make of it mate.

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@jonsie wrote:

Free ones at that! Love the smell and feel of a real book? What's that all about, a good read is a good read whichever form you enjoy, synced across 4 devices, sometimes progress is what you make of it mate.

Totally disagree with that @jonsie. It's all down to personal choice. I am an avid reader and can finish a book in a day if so inclined ...I have 2 kindles and never use them now. I prefer the look, feel and smell of a new book. Always joked if I hadn't been a nurse I would have been a librarian or worked in a book shop. Sounds stupid but it's the truth. YES they are inconvenient, weighty and take up my travel allowance blah blah blah

I don't care. Purely a matter of choice...

I don't need drugs to get high.....opening a brand new book will do that for me.Rant over...LOL


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 25

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@jonsie, come on eh... ive moved to android... baby steps! grin
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
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You stick with proper books @Curr946 if that's your choice. ..No shame in that...Bouncy

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Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 25

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Can you imagine me bringing 300 books here. It's convenient, I'm an avid reader. Do I get more enjoyment reading a physical book? No. Do I want to go to a bookstore every other day to buy a new book at anything up to a tenner? No. I get my books free, Kindle books are also half the price of the paperback and a third of the price of a hardback should yopu wish to invest in a series. Yes, personal choice but I finish a book, delete it and open the next, no hassle.

Message 9 of 25

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@jonsie wrote:

Can you imagine me bringing 300 books here. It's convenient, I'm an avid reader. Do I get more enjoyment reading a physical book? No. Do I want to go to a bookstore every other day to buy a new book at anything up to a tenner? No. I get my books free, Kindle books are also half the price of the paperback and a third of the price of a hardback should yopu wish to invest in a series. Yes, personal choice but I finish a book, delete it and open the next, no hassle.

There you go. That way suits you....My way suits me (though not Ray who never reads and says I could open a library)  ...

Kindle frustrates me. I never ever pay a tenner for a new book either....

Free books on Kindle are usually either 1)  not to my taste 2) Already read them... or 3) old.

Put it this way, if you dropped in here and forgot your Kindle... you would never be short of a book to read...

Each to their own Steve. Totally off topic have you read Driven by Toby Vintcent? Fiction about F1. Brilliant read....( I think its available on Kindle LOL)



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Girl in a jacket
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