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🎅🏻 🎄As 2020 draws to an end 🎄 🎅🏻

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Hey everyone, 


Wow, what a year 2020 turned out to be! From the speculate of US politics, Australia's wild fires, Brexit and a global pandemic to add the icing on the cake! anguished


I think most of us are going into 2021 with more optimism but before we get there lets highlight some of the positives of 2020! 


A study in Norway found that they can reduce bird strikes on wind turbines by up to 70% by simply painting one of the blades black! 


Ikea finally published the recipe for their famous meatballs so people can make them at home when in lockdown! 


Renewable electricity exceeded fossil fuel generation during the first half of 2020! Fossil fuel use fell by 18%, and renewable energy increased by 11%, too! 


After being hunted to extinction 400 years ago, beavers miraculously reappeared in Devon in 2013. After a study revealed their positive impact on the environment, the beavers have now been given the ‘right to stay’


Google has launched a new hum-to-search feature allowing you to whistle, sing or hum to discover the song! 


So, it wasen't all bad then. yahoo I'm hoping for a much better year in 2021 and will be making some new years resolutions to that end. 


We'd love to hear about some of the positives that you have taken away from 2020 and any resolutions you have for 2021! Let us know in the comments below! 

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Message 1 of 13

Not applicable

Thanks, I think.

Message 11 of 13

Level 52: Innovator
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Hi @Martin-O2
Thanks for your posting...l👀king for positives
Well here goes😁
Great resources of experience, expertise from family, friends and neighbours from all walks of life getting through the unexpected ....
Cooking, baking ideas in a situation of shortages
Growing extra food in containers ie potatoes herbs tomatoes beans etc. Getting seeds.
Freezing foods how and what
Staying safe with masks ( non medical) gloves and extra hygiene : science background helpful here!
Supplies: sharing
I enjoyed it : rather not have the virus but brought together lots of good advice about everything..we check info. get other views on everything.
Finally ...83yr old lady cooked Christmas Dinner for her near neighbours on own for Christmas with a "meals on wheels service style"
Bring it on!


Message 12 of 13

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Not to forget also Sir Captain Tom who was just one of many people raising funds for the NHS

Possibly the best moments were when Marcus Rashford, not once but twice, forcing Boris Dumbledorf into U-turns (two of many in 2020) over children's meals

We saw the very best and the very worst of people too

Heartbreaking for people in care homes unable to see family for months, even at the point of death

Message 13 of 13