on 22-02-2021 20:09
Trying to access the Les Mills offer via app on phone and can't get through the sign up process due to my (registered) email address not being accepted.
So I've tried many times via desktop webpage and am asked to sign in again (despite already being signed in) - sometimes I receive the first text ('beware of scams etc') but never the second one with the purported code number.
I'm on Windows 10 Chrome btw without adblocker.
Any ideas welcome!
on 22-02-2021 20:15
@Thomaso1 should be around and can maybe help?
on 22-02-2021 20:40
on 22-02-2021 20:40
on 22-02-2021 20:59
on 22-02-2021 20:59
Thanks @Thomaso1
on 23-02-2021 01:46
on 23-02-2021 01:46
Just to add: Tried it with Firefox (in Admin mode) and got the 2nd text very quickly this time! Unfortunately all that happened was this message: "There was a problem and we've been notified"... hmm
on 25-02-2021 17:07
on 25-02-2021 17:07