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Forum Posts

FAQs: My O2

Hi all, welcome to the My O2 board! If you need advice on My O2, this is the place you can post your question to and get replies from other customers. In case your question relates to My O2 Business, you might also find some helpful information in ou...

EmilieT by Former Staff
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Resolved! How do I get MyO2 to show iPad payg data sim

Help please. My myo2 app, and myo2 via the internet, opens on both my iPhone and iPad, to reflect my iPhone pay monthly account. I also have a payg data simm in my cellular iPad. Topping up that sim with data was done on iPad in “settings” “mobile da...

Jumper by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! App

Anyone know what's up with the my o2 app, it's not working

Resolved! My O2 App

I can't find the "My 02 App" in the App Store for iPhone. Any idea how I can get it?

Tome by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! My Bill

Hi, How do i get a VAT invoice? When i view the bill it clearly states that it is not a VAT invoice

Zoeh by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Mr

I have problems sing in to my account. please help.

Iso by Level 1: Joiner
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My 02 app

Keep trying to long on to my 02 app but keeps saying oops some thing went wrong please try again later been doing it all day has any one else having this problem

Stuart by Level 1: Joiner
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My O2 app is not working when I log in it keeps saying something has gone wrong please try again later but my partner can log in to her straight away why is my not working

My02app by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Use different account for payment

Hello,I want to buy bolt ons, as I have ran out of data. However, if I confirm the purchase, will it take the money from the account that pays off the phone bill (My mums account)? This is because I want to pay myself. If it does take the money from ...

Julius by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Upgrade

I have just upgraded my phone and when i log on to my o2 i see my monthly usage bill but it doesn't show my device plan. For my old phone it was split in two.???

Dazza by Level 1: Joiner
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My o2 app abroad

I am currently abroad and facing issues and error with my o2 android app. Has anyone else had any issues?

b4u2 by Level 8: Talented
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