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My Deposit and Refund

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Hi. My name is Simon, maybe this community can help me!?

on the 6th of July 2018, I orderd through the 02 website a Huawei P20 Pro with a pay monthly sim, plus a USB-C Belkin Cable and Belkin battery pack.
I was told I had to put a Deposit of £450 towards the phone to which I would get refunded after 3 months of paying, so I paid £528 altogether for the Deposit and Belkin extras. On the 13th July 2018, 7 days afer my order, I decided To cancel my contract for the phone and Sim card, to which an 02 operator said it was ok and would send me a jiffy bag out to me, I returned my phone Huawei P20 Pro + Belkin USB and battery pack on the 14th July, all neatly packed and as new, and was told by the 02 operator I would only have to wait 3-5 for my Deposit and refund totaling £528. I waited until the 23rd of July for my deposit and refund, still hadn't recieved anything I phoned up again, talked to another 02 operator, she couldn't say sorry enough times, she checked that my Phone and extras had been returned, yes all was good, we've recieved your Huawei P20 Pro and Belkin extras, again apologuising many times and that I'll have my Deposit and refund back into my bank within 3-5 days... Guaranteed I would she said!  So I waited again, losing hope now..  
Thurday 30th July 7 days later.. and no, still hadn't recieved my Deposit or refund, phoned 02 operator yet again!! lady answers, puts me thru to another gentleman, I have to explain all my details yet again to yet another person from 02, he then tells me Sorry our systems are down, can I ring back in 2-3 hours, I don't think so, I would like to speak to a manager please, sorry Sir the system is down, you can't!! please call back in 2-3 hours he keeps telling me, I end the call politely! I decided to then talk to 02 via the live chat, gentleman named Manisha replied to me, so, I explained all the trouble I've been having trying to recieve my £528 deposit and refund back, he kept me on wait many times, kept apoliguising yet again! many times.. he said "my manager say's you'll have your Deposit and refund back in 5-10 days!!!! I told him no! I need, want my deposit and refund today, totaly fed up from being palmed off to one person to another in 02 who absolutely know nothing,  I insisted that 02 pays my deposit and refund my money back, sorry Sir, 5-10 days he keeps telling me, Gauranteed he keeps telling me, just like the other 02 operators told me, no matter what I said or do Manisha wasn't going to get my deposit back, so I said I can't believe this, and politely said goodbye!    8th of August 2018, yep you've guessed it still no deposit or refund returned, so I ask you.. the 02 community what do I need to do? end of my tether is an understatement! any help from you would be very welcomed. A very disatisfied never again 02 customer. Simon.  Help!

Message 1 of 8

Level 86: Prestigious
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@Simon Doesn't sound good at all. Only thing you can do is to lodge a formal complaint. We've found the Resolver link within that link gets good reults. Good luck.

Edit: Here's the direct Resolver link:


Message 2 of 8

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Nothing we can do at all, sorry, but I'll tag our admin to see if they can help.
@Martin-O2 @Marjo @EmilieT
You may also wish to consider a complaint but admin cannot assist if you do so I would give them a chance first.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 3 of 8

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Thanks @MI5 for the mention! 


@Simon I'm sorry to hear this has been going on for so long, I sent you a Private Message on the forum now to get some more details so someone can look into this for you slight_smile

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Message 4 of 8

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No it doesn't sound good, thank you for Link appreciate that.
Message 5 of 8

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Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll give admin a chance first then, thank you.
Message 6 of 8

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Many thanks Emilie, any help you can off would be brilliant.
Message 7 of 8

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Hi @Simon, I haven't heard back from you yet - can you reply to my PM when you get a chance to give me a few more details, by clicking on your Unread messages at the top right of the page?


Once I've got some more info, we'll get this issue looked into for you slight_smile

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