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O2 Internet Costs

Not applicable
Hello everyone slight_smile
I have searched these forums and found nothing that matches what I am looking for.
Anyway I am using a Samsung Tocco S8300 with my laptop using the Samsung New PC Studio to provide my laptop internet at times during the day when I don't have any.

What I am now wondering though - is this costing me?
I'm on contract with O2 with 600 minutes, unlimited texts and unlimited web browsing thats what I pay £33.07 a month.

So is this costing me money?
I sent a blank message to 20202 and come back with 252 minutes and 0 texts with unlimited balances remaining. £1.27 outstanding charges which was already there - although now I have been providing myself with internet for two days now I see no charges against me - GREAT grin

- Bottom line -

Am I being charged?
If I have unlimited web browsing within my contract does that allow me free internet with my laptop or is this charging me a massive amount? - Right now I am using it without 3G don't have any coverage or wifi slight_smile
Message 1 of 15

Not applicable
If you are using the free (or £7.50 if it's not your free bolt-on) web bolt-on then you aren't supposed to use it as a modem for a laptop as it's against the FUP. However people on other forums have done so, but you are leaving yourself open to being charged, upgraded to the bolt-on that lets you use it as a modem (costs a around £30), or just having your connection slowed. I don't know if you'd get charged without being warned first. It doesn't matter if you are connected on 3G or GPRS/EDGE.
Message 2 of 15

Not applicable
Meh is correct about this use probably being against O2's policy, however it is also against their policy to automatically start charging you above and beyond your contractual agreements without contacting you first.

Also, I would love to see some sort of publicity about this much-talked-about bolt-on that enables you to use your mobile as a modem, as there doesn't seem to be any information about such a thing on O2's website - at least not anything concrete, accessible or able to be ordered with ease.
Message 3 of 15

Not applicable
T's and C's

You may not use your SIM Card:
in, or connected to, any other device including modems;
to allow the continuous streaming of any audio / video content, enable Voice over Internet (Voip), P2P or file sharing; or
in such a way that adversely impacts the service to other O2 customers.
If O2 reasonably suspects you are not acting in accordance with this policy O2 reserves the right to impose further charges, impose network protection controls which may reduce your speed of transmission or disconnect your tariff at any time, having attempted to contact you first.

Thats why you wont find any official support for this.
They only have to attempt to contact you before charging or restricting you.
Message 4 of 15

Not applicable
You may not use your SIM Card:
in, or connected to, any other device including modems;

Sorry but I have to ask... In the case discussed here, the SIM card is not in or connected to any other device; it's still in the mobile phone isn't it? This seems to circumvent the wording of the T&Cs I would think...
Message 5 of 15

Not applicable
But they could argue that the sim is connected to the laptop via the phone and cable (or bluetooth connection).......
Message 6 of 15

Not applicable
Thanks for the fast response.
Its with the software Samsung provided its using my phone as a modem and I only am using it say for 5-6 minutes a day to check my email and reply to a few and I was only using it last night due to having no internet and wanting to ask you guys a question slight_smile

I'm using the £7.50 a month bolt-on as I use my phone so much during the day for searching google and talking on MSN slight_smile
I don't want to upgrade as I am in a 24 month contract paying £33.07 a month already and don't have any money spare 😞

I didn't realise it was against the Terms and Conditions or anything as the software provides it and I thought it would be fine as the connection is quite fast and I haven't been contacted yet well except from a few cold calls a week 😞
Well I am officially confuzzled!
Message 7 of 15

Not applicable
The SIM is connected to the laptop for the purpose of the T&C's - if you took the SIM out the phone wouldn't work as a modem.

As for not allowing the use of a handset as a modem, this is probably so that you'll either buy their mobile broadband dongle (which is a far more effective way of connecting to the web, IMHO, and doesn't drain your battery) or by signing up to the Web Max bolt-on which is mentioned in the T&C's but hard to find elsewhere.

Message 8 of 15

Not applicable
Lol, you're breaking all the rules cos instant messaging is also against the t&c's of the bolt-on. Basically it allows you to browse the web and email to your heart's content so long as it's on the handset itself, isn't so high that you impact on other users, and isn't instant messaging. That said, i'm not sure how they'd know what you do on your phone and i'm not sure how they'd know you're using it as a modem for your laptop unless your usage was so high it would be impossible to do on a mobile (downloading films etc). The t&c's say that they'll try to contact you as a previous poster said, so i doubt you'd get stung for money without being told off first and being given the opportunity to stop, but don't quote me lol! I'd imagine a bit of MSNing wouldn't register on the radar, but again don't take that as anything as it is against the fup. Keep an eye on your recent charges on MyO2 on your mob as data usage is shown
Message 9 of 15

Not applicable
If it's just to check email does your provider have a mobile site. Most do and google have a mobile phone app for email. Also, opera mini is great for browsing the web.
Message 10 of 15