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pay up front for life cancelled by o2!!

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I have had a "pay up front for life" contract for many years. Without notice or regret, O2 have changed it to a £35 per month contract. The reason given is a change to a new computer system causing it to "lose" some or all of the Pay up front contracts!!
Can they legally breach the contract?
Has anyone else suffered this?
Message 1 of 163
162 REPLIES 162

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i can understand where people come from with this as i was dealing with outbound calling and complaints regarding this change but i guess this is the bottom line when it comes to t&c's:

9 Changes to the Agreement
9.1 We may change this Agreement and the Charges at any time.Changes will be posted on our website check this regularly for
9.2 If we increase the Charges for the elements of the Service you are using or change the terms and conditions of this Agreement to your significant
disadvantage (in our reasonable opinion)we will give you 30 days'notice in writing before the changes take place.We will notify you as detailed in
paragraph 7 above or we may notify you by text (SMS)to your Mobile Phone number and/or by email where you have supplied your email address to us
for this purpose.


4.2 From time to time we may have to migrate your Account from one billing platform to another.In these circumstances we will notify you if migration of
your Account will affect the Service in any way.

So i guess once its signed you may not be happy with it but in the end you have signed a contract in whcih you have agreed to these terms
Message 11 of 163

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Update ...
My local O2 shop has managed to return my tarrif to "All upfront for life 50". It was acheived by them contacting their own help desk, who completed a form. Within 7 days the tarrif was changed. The £35 bill has been blocked and will be credited on the next bill. All sorted.
Message 13 of 163

Not applicable
In March O2 started charging me line rental on my PUFL contract. when i contacted them they said that the contract had been ended and i had to migrate to another - they told me i had been informed of this in Feb 2008 - i was not informed.

I complained to the Complaints Review Service Dept and received the same reply. O2 then barred my phone as i refused to pay the line rental charges.

I have just phoned to complain again and they stuck to their guns. But i did pay them £8 for my call charges for the last 2 months and they have un barred my phone. I have now requested a 'deadlock' letter so i can refer the matter to Offcom.

I believe that O2/Cellnet have changed my service provider and 'they' want to get rid of these PUFL contracts. according to the Offtel website i should have been informed when O2 changed service provider - i wasn't so this is in breach of the terms & conditions.

Item 9 of the 'current' T&C says they can change the agreement - sure, but not to this extent. Item 5 from the original PUFL T&C reads:

5. "For Life" means that purchasers of a Pay Up Front for Life package will continue to enjoy all the benefits of this package, for as long as they remain connected to Pay UpFront for Life.


Message 14 of 163

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Good luck with the dead lock letter, mobile phone providers will do anything to get out of giving you one, and there is a long complaints process you have to follow before they will give in.
Message 15 of 163

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I have just been told that the pufl actually refers to the life of the handset and not the life of the person!! I need to check my original contract which I have filed.
Message 16 of 163

Not applicable
The PUFL deal was in relation to line rental and not the handset otherwise they have miss-sold us the contract. Its worth checking out the Offcom website as they have just completed an investigation into miss-selling and slamming - the practice of selling on your contract to another service sub-provider without your knowledge. This may be what has happened with the PUFFL contracts.

Could you let me have a copy of your PUFFL contract terms and conditions as i have lost mine? Thanks.
Message 17 of 163

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Feeling compelled to post.
I have had this contract for nearly 7 years now and have remained on Weekend Talk & Text for all that time (it was only very recently that whilst clearing out some clutter I binned the original page from the Argos catalogue - I fear I no longer have the contract either) as I was blissfully unaware that I could swap between tarrifs.

After losing the sim (pin code protected) and the handset I phoned O2 last night fully expecting them to want to cancel the contract, but no they denied that there was any move for terminating the account and said they would send out a 3G enabled sim on the same contract with same number.

It may help that my contract is always about £5 in credit and I hardly ever use the phone. But as I say when I spoke to the yourng lady she denied there was any move to terminate these accounts. She did say thought that I had to replace the handset myself and there was no such thing as an upgrade for this contract.
Message 18 of 163

Not applicable
I checked last night and I never received a contract. I do have my original bill for purchasing the puffl handset though, directly through BTCellnet (now O2). I have had this since July 2001 and was on the Pay Upfront For Life Net 50 deal. Sneakily, O2 wrote to me in Feb 2008 to say they were upgrading their billing system and that my bills will be improved but that EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT MY ACCOUNT WILL STAY EXACTLY AS IT IS. Now turns out that they actually switched me then to a 12 month Net 50 contract which was free for 12 months - so I believed this was just my puffl carrying on as usual. Until, Feb 09 when I started to receive a charge of £15 plus VAT per month for Net 100. I asked them about this and they said that they have cancelled all puffl contracts and that they had written to me last year to advise me of this!! Apparently, they told me they were putting me on a 12 month contract for Net 50 (no charge) and then this automatically reverted to the Net 100 after the 12 months, but now they are charging me as I'm out of contract. I have never received any correspondence about any of this - I have been very cautious about their 'for life' claim and would have jumped on anything like this and phoned them immediately!! Does anyone have a contract?? I asked for a copy from 02 yesterday and they said they don't have one but I could probably find this online. I was told that the 'for life' was for the life of the handset only which is not what I was told when I took the contract out. They then told me that they could tell from the system that I hadn't been using this handset since 2003 (I used another handset given to me by a relative). So why were they happy to let me keep the puffl until now?! They are lying and making up excuses to get rid of puffl. They said that no other mobile company still provided this. Seems they are telling different things to different people.
Message 19 of 163

Not applicable
Result! Just phoned 02 again and was put through to line advance team and then upgrades. The person I spoke to yesterday was lying through his teeth! They confirmed I was still on a puffl contract but that my original tarrif of Net 50 no longer exists. However, they are now putting me on the All Time 75 tariff which should cost £117.44 for the year but that they will not charge this. They can only provide this for 12 months but have made a note on my account that, after 12 months, this should be renewed again for free. No doubt, I'll have to go through all this again next year but I have been advised that puffl contracts are still being honoured and they can't get out of them! I have made a note of th person I spoke to and she has logged the conversation and the fact that they will commit to this next year also. We'll see!
Message 20 of 163