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o2 price hike

Not applicable

I have just received and e-mail saying 02 putting my bill up!!!! They have lost service twice this year!!!! Poultry offer of 10 per customer who could fathom out how to get it..If I wanted to lower my bill because of this service, they would have stopped my account and sent letters etc!!! Who thinks that they are wrong to put up bills during contractual service agreement, if not legally, then certain morally. I for one am sick and fed up with these companies doing whatever they want and us as their customers have no choice.  Who thinks this is wrong??? I for one will tell everyone to twitter and facebook everything. I am about to send a message to o2 asking to be released from my contract early, on principle more than anything..Please please, all do this then perhaps the high commanders at o2, whatever country they are in, may, just may listen.....

Message 1 of 35

Not applicable


Knock yourself out, I guess you did not read the terms and conditions of the forum either. 

I tell you what, Private message me your details telling me how much it is going to cost you and your wife. I will cancel my £15 a month direct debit to the British Heart foundation and amend it down to compensate your loss. I will send you a cheque for that amount as it is obviously going to cripple your finances. 

Lets get something straight here, you have a issue with O2. Fine but if you move to another carrier you will be in the exact same situation if not worse. Where is the logic in that?

Message 21 of 35

Not applicable

lol, blimey, overkill or what!!!!! bit excitable there, i refer you to my earlier response.

Message 22 of 35

Not applicable

So if I am lying about my personal situations to be on here whilst I watch the football on the TV, you must be lying about your personal situation as well based on your logic there. 

My god man, what is wrong with you??

Message 23 of 35

Not applicable

You say you want help but have not asked a question that can be helped with. I have offered to help you and you have called me a liar but are doing the exact same thing yourself. 

Message 24 of 35

Level 69: Guiding Light
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You've had all the help we can give, either get used to it or move elsewhere, simples!


You can try and blackmail us all you want it doesn't change the facts.

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Message 25 of 35

Not applicable

all i said was that on principle it is wrong, i know you like o2, thats great, but believe me, i would say the same thing should my mortgage rise when in fixed term, my kids school fees rise after we agreed fee's, my fuel get the point.  If more people were principled or business were the same, then this would be a better world.  I reiterate, i dont care what orange/vodafone.3 do, this is my contract with o2....I think it is morally wrong and the more business like would be to wait until the end of the contract then put new contracts up. even ofcom agree that, i am not subversive or calling for a revolution, the money is irrelevent, principle, principle principle.....

Message 26 of 35

Level 86: Prestigious
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@Anonymous wrote:

yes, I agree- I signed a contract agreeing to a certain fee per month £15.50. They have now changed the goal posts and added 50 pence per month- that they'll be taking from my account without my consent. I did not agree to this or sign up for it. Is this legal? What's to stop them doing it again and again? This is terrible!! People must strongly object! 

Are you serious? An increase of 50p per month doesn't even come to 2p per day. How much did your gas and electricity bills go up by recently? Did they ask for your consent to put those prices up?


Message 27 of 35

Not applicable

lol, i said i dont care what you are

Message 28 of 35

Not applicable

Hang on Wayne, you called me a liar but you have stated you are in a similar situation so does that mean you are lying as well? Very quick to call people things aren't you?

You have come onto the customer forum to have a whinge and a moan not to get advice or help. 

You keep saying that it is a principle thing and you deal with O2, what we are pointing out that regardless of who your carrier is you are better off with O2 as this is the first time in years that they have done it unlike the other companies. 

You agreed to the possibility upon signing the contract for the phone and tariff, the same as you sign a contract for a fixed term mortgage with all its penalties and clauses in it. Miss a payment on your fixed term mortgage and see what happens, opt out early and see what happens. 

The two are not even remotely comparable.

You then state you are not going to renew your contracts out of 'principle' so I guess you are not going to be using a mobile phone ever again with a contract as you will be in a worse situation with the other carriers. 

If you want to moan about this on a forum then expect people that do not agree with you to question what you are saying over pennies a day increase. 

Message 29 of 35

Not applicable

Wish you would spell check, I am not moaning about people disagreeing with me, I think debate in any society is good.  I would call you by your name, but hidden I guess.... Principle is a very important thing, terms and conditions are a strange thing, I am sure you will say that you have, but there is a joke that goes along the lines of, has anyone read the terms and conditions to itunes? You would probably say that you have but people don't...Does that make people stupid? No, busy lives and as long as the service works, who cares, does that make o2 bad? No, we are in a litigious society and they have to have any clause that they can use to get out of litigation and perhaps that is right.  I guess I am talking to the wrong people, you obviously love o2. To me,  they are just a company who have to maintain high standards at a cheap price to get my business as are most of the people I know.  VW owners are different as are Iphone users, they fall for the brand not the price etc.  You don't understand someone who believes that someone, entity should put up their price after you signed without the option of that person cancelling then fine. You think that small print in terms and conditions is something that protects them, then fine.  If they allowed people to come out of their contract with an increase, do you think they would still increase during contractual obligation? I think not.  o2, in this instance, have me between a rock and a hard place and (forget the money, irrelevant AS I KEEP TRYING TO GET THROUGH TO YOU) I don't have any choice but to stay with them, I cant as someone said, do without a phone.  I am tied in, no choice there.  The principle is, they will force me to pay extra money, beyond what I contractually agreed to, until the end of my contract, not, here you are Wayne, come out if you want, sorry but company is in awful position....(NOT RIGHT, READ THEIR SALES AND REVENUE FOR LAST SIX MONTHS. CONTRACTS UP/ REVENUE UP ETC).  They have decided to take more from me, millions of us, without any recourse or options for us all.  You want a company to do that, that's fine, more power to you and I hope all your bills continue to rise.  I just think it is wrong and will always think that just to say, you signed it, tough, which is fundamentally what you are all saying, then fine.  But I will continue to say it because, I am a guest here and I will not allow the bully of the class to tell me different.  You do make me think though, without people standing up, no wonder all of the things that have happened, banks, freedom bill, fuel/water companies have happened and I cant help thinking that we are all to blame for that.  Perhaps apathy is why we are where we are at.

Message 30 of 35