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o2 customer service is gone to India

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i ring o2 lasy night it put me to in india o2 customer service why it keep do i think o2 move to india
Message 1 of 16

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why it keep happed with me
Message 3 of 16

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You have my sympathy Ashley.
Message 4 of 16

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Maybe it was an Indian based in the UK? EDIT: removed on advice

I think that some folk, when speaking to an Asian call operator, automatically think they're through to an Indian call centre. Faulty assumption, but given the proliferation of outsourced customer service centres, it's an understandable mistake to make, I suppose.

Message 5 of 16

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Funny, I swear I didn't have to travel all the way to India to go to work yesterday 😐
Message 6 of 16

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TBH I don't have a huge objection to offshore call centres (if they're done well*) - it means lower costs for me as a consumer. I do love the outrage that call centres generate "how dare they have a call centre offshore and offer lower prices"

(*"If they're done well" being the caveat - often they're only given a set of Standard Operating Procedures and a couple of scripts, and if anyone dares ask a question beyond this remit, they're stuffed, because it's beyond the remit of the contract between the firm providing the call centre services and O2 / whoever")
Message 7 of 16

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I certainly prefer the current 10 minute car drive to work at the moment compare to the 7 hour flight to the proposed new call centre in Mumbai!

All o2 call centres for Contract, Pay & Go etc are all based in the UK with sites in Rotherham, Leeds, Bury, Preston Brook & Glasgow.
Message 8 of 16

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My youngest son is in India and can't find the o2 call centre...its a mythstry.
Message 9 of 16

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I bought a PAYG sim only the other day (not an O2), for my old phone.

I activated it, and set it all up ok, put some money on it - fine. I then decided to set the PIN to my old number. Setting the PIN was mentioned in the accompanying small setup guide, and it warned me about getting it wrong 3 times. But it didn't tell me what the default PIN was, or even that there was one.

When I went into the phone settings, it showed that the PIN was disabled. I chose "enable" and it asked me for the PIN, before it would let me choose a new one. So what PIN was it expecting? I guessed at my old one - wrong! Oh dear.

I then rang the customer support number in the setup guide, and explained the problem. The guy was english and unintelligible. I had to keep asking him to repeat what he was saying. The guy took info on the phone model, went off to consult, and came back with the info that the default PIN is 0000.

Me: "Ok, thanks - you sure?" Him: "Well, it's either that or 1234". Me: "Err... ok". The call cost me 20p, although the default PIN should have been printed in the guide - ridiculous.

I tried 0000 at home - another failure. Reluctantly I tried 1234 - 3rd and final failure - locked. Fuming!

Went to website, got the PUK, unlocked it, and luckily it gave me the opportunity to reset the PIN, without having to know what the original one was. Sorted.

I rang their CS again yesterday, about something else, and this guy was on the ball. He apologised, saying something about the other guy being new, trainee, mumble mumble embarrassed ... Anyway he said that ALL their sims are 5555 by default - sorry. Was unaware that the default PIN isn't shown in their current setup guide.

All I'm saying is, that although they clearly read from a script, like all call centres everywhere, in the Indian Call Centres they are obviously trained to speak intelligibly and be polite.

English Call Centres could learn a lesson. Just because you're English doesn't mean people can understand you. Make an effort - please.

Message 10 of 16