This is the SECOND time in a week that this has happened where I am in North Wales !! At the weekend it was due to a 'mast going down' and we lost signal for almost the whole weekend ! I've had no service since 230pm yesterday, I do have my laptop at home and another service provider is successfully supplying my internet service! I do understand people's frustrations as I have friends whose husbands are in the military who have missed calls from their husbands and others who have partners/husbands on offshore windfarms who only have mobile access but theirs is down too. Its just pissing me off that its taking so long. A huge company like O2 not being able to supply a service will certainly have people running to other networks but that's where O2 have their contract customers as they'll have to pay a fine for cancelling !!!!!!!!!!!!! As an O2 customer we're stuffed and just have to play nicey nicey and put up with it !! O2 please get the service back up and running asap, its annoying not to have it, oh and a friend of mine in Glasgow experienced this a few weeks ago and was offered £2 compensation in the form of screen wipes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LORDY !