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Will The New O2 Data Limited Tariffs Make You Consider Leavi

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Someone started a poll to question whether people think that data limitation/capping is fair.
I think that's the wrong question to ask. I agree, that if a small percentage of users are abusing the unlimited data option and reducing service for others, then yes, something does need to be done.

O2 say that 97% of its customers currently use less than the 500mb limit but does this include all of their customers or just smart phone/iphone users.

With the launch of the original iPhone, O2 had the market. If you wanted an iphone you had to go with O2. I for one did switch to O2 for this very reason. but the market is now competetive and people are no longer loyal to a brand, they want the best deal.

With technology moving on as quickly as it is, data usage on mobile devices is only going to increase.
We'll be expecting:
Better Apps = More MB
HD Content = More MB
Video/Audo Streaming = More MB
Live TV = More MB
More Email Attachments = More MB
Better Quality Photos (5 Mega Pixels) = More MB
Sat Nav Traffic information = More MB
Multitasking = More MB
Video Conferencing (Apples 'FaceTime') = More MB
The list goes on.

Some people have already checked their current usage and feel that they won't be affected but have they considered all of the above?

Surely, with these new Tarriffs O2 are offering 'Less for More', when the consumer market is always wanting 'More for Less'

The key question that O2 will need to be looking for is:

"Will the new O2 Data limited tariff's make you consider leaving O2?"
Message 1 of 40

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I am a moderate to high user and do not go over 500mb now. I cant understand people who use more than this. I have just got an iPad on Three's 15Gb and think this it too much.

However those thinking of changing to Three I must admit the coverage and speed on my iPad is far superior to O2's.

Message 11 of 40

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I dont understand how people that use more than 500mb of data a month are labeled as 'abusers' when we pay for a service called 'unlimited data'????

I for one will be leaving O2 when my contract is up in 2 months, if there was even an unlimited data bolt on i would considder staying
Message 12 of 40

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Sheepdog, I don't feel that some of your comment are helpful or appropriate to the discussion. If people don't want to watch the world cup and want to browse the web instead, each to their own. Who are you to slate people for what decisions they make?
Message 13 of 40

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I dont understand how people that use more than 500mb of data a month are labeled as 'abusers' when we pay for a service called 'unlimited data'????
I for one will be leaving O2 when my contract is up in 2 months, if there was even an unlimited data bolt on i would considder staying

Keith..... my motto..... keep it real.

You know what I am talking about! Exceeding 500mb is not abuse, there are plenty that exceed 20GB regularly.

Good luck wherever you go!
Message 14 of 40

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Sheepdog, I don't feel that some of your comment are helpful or appropriate to the discussion. If people don't want to watch the world cup and want to browse the web instead, each to their own. Who are you to slate people for what decisions they make?

This isn't a discussion. This is a repeat of every single other thread moaning about data use. All you've done is repeat the same fact over and over.

But is is nice to reel a few turnips in! slight_smile

I hate people that blast away on this forum, then never return to help others.

I would love to tell the South African players kicking the "pig skin" about that they are "overpaid planks".

Message 15 of 40

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Now play nice children!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The reason I start this thread was to get the poll running, not to start a riot!
Message 16 of 40

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Oh Gosh, you should have said before. I am sorry worried now, how on earth am I going to sleep tonight.
Message 17 of 40

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Oh Gosh, you should have said before. I am sorry worried now, how on earth am I going to sleep tonight.

Remember, you are the ones issuing the threats, I am the one prepared to give you a chance to carry them out. There is no need for you to be scared.

Enjoy your next six days working, in whatever lucky profession has you!

I will enjoy the football!
Message 18 of 40

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I take it you are another kid that has joined to talk about big bad O2 and how they have taken your gaming megabytes away from you?

I have never ever been threatened on these boards. I suppose we are seeing the average age of iPhone users!

Lad? Maybe thirty years ago you could have called me that, even then...
Message 19 of 40

Not applicable
Pray tell! What makes somebody issue threats on an internet forum?

Tell me what went through your mind at the time you typed that sentence out? Do you do that kind of thing often?
Message 20 of 40