Woke up in the night and looked at my phone to see the time, 2.20am, and the message was there! (don't know if it "rang" and that's what woke me)
Received the following PM from Chris@O2
After looking into this in more detail, it seems that your phone is somehow accessing the data network three times a day. The first of these is very early in the morning, and it prompts the network to send you these messages - thinking you're up and using the web on your phone.
Can you go through your phone with a fine tooth comb and make sure that nothing's set to connect without your say so? One example of this is email - have you got your email set to check for new messages? Or it could be something running in the background.
Let us know how you get on.
I've had a look on my phone (I'm not that technically minded though) and found my email is set to look for new mails every 12hrs, I changed my ISP a while ago and as I don't need emails sent to my phone didn't set up the new account on it so it still has the old redundant address. Have deleted this and set the email lookup time from every 12hrs to never. Will let you know if this works.
Thanks for all your help.