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Unlimited data - moving goalposts

Not applicable
I have just heard the news about this. I've checked my data usage and, guess what I'm regularly just a tad over the limit!!
I bet a lot of you are too.
This is an outrageous and totally commercial move by O2 - I know for a fact that they will have looked at this as a way to squeeze more revenue out of us users.
Well guess what O2 - you are going to lose a bucket load of business over this.
Message 1 of 23

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In October there is a an extra 500mb bolt on £5. Why don't you choose a cheaper package (say £30) and then pay the £5 boosting you to 1GB and the same as you probably pay now and thus staying within the limit.

Honestly, I don't see what fuss is about.
Message 2 of 23

Not applicable
Because by reducing your package, you'll lose out on texts and calls.

This issue here is that well be getting a reduced service for the same money
Message 3 of 23

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The fuss is simply as follows:
Companies NEVER do this unless there is additional revenue in it for them - I know this after working for a number of top UK brands. It's always dressed up as a positive thing for users. It's ALWAYS to benefit the business.

I have a contract with them which, is clearly one-sided (they always are). They are making the change for current contract in October - it would be fairer and more honest to honour those with existing contracts until the end of those contracts.

AND - guess what, they are still offering contracts with unlimited data on the site!!!

I've never been that happy with the service/reception compared to my previous supplier so it looks like I will end up paying more and more for less and less. I'm going to consider my options carefully - as I'm sure others will.

Own goal O2!!
Message 4 of 23

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You will only lose out on calls, texts are unlimited. If losing out on the data is so terrible, spend the fiver and get the extra 500mb.
Message 5 of 23

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Well guess what O2 - you are going to lose a bucket load of business over this.

Good luck on that... you'll be hard-pressed to find a better deal, and at least O2 will let you buy additional data - some other networks will just throttle your speed massively.

Free allowances:
O2: 500MB / 750MB / 1GB (tariff-dependent) extra 500Mb = £5, extra 1GB = £10
Vodafone: 500Mb / 1GB (tariff-dependent)
T-Mo: 1GB
Orange: 500Mb
Three: 500Mb & 10p / MB over (=£100 / Gb)
Message 6 of 23

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If people don't like then they move, that's good news for people like me. More data space is left unoccupied by a reasonably heavy user that doesn't like it. Remove saturation of a network and it speeds up, always the case.

I don't work for O2 nor do I have an affiliation with them but I don't see anything wrong with introducing the cap, like the article said 97% of the people will be under the 500mb.
Message 7 of 23

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Mr Monkey
Why in your wildest dreams would you think that anyone would be happy about losing out on anything? Can you tell me what's right about paying the same (or similar) for less??
Unless of course you are an O2 PR plant? (ha ha ha)
Message 8 of 23

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Mr Monkey
Why in your wildest dreams would you think that anyone would be happy about losing out on anything? Can you tell me what's right about paying the same (or similar) for less??
Unless of course you are an O2 PR plant? (ha ha ha)

Sorry Mark but I am not getting less.

I pay £35 a month now and will do so on the new contract. I have never gone over my 500mb in 18 months.

I don't see where I am getting 'less'...

Come to think about it, I am probably gaining as I will get 'unlimited' texts.
Message 9 of 23

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I was very angry about this when I got the email yesterday. I got the 1st iphone and had to pay from memory about £300 then sign an over priced contract I then had to pay £100 for the 3g again at an over priced contract.

I saw the new iphone 4 so I thought I would seen when my contract was up. Turns out it ran out in January! Was I told? No. apparently that is my responsability? I was also paying for unlimited text bolt on when my tarrif included unlimited text. Apparently that is my fault 2.

I have read through the terms and conditions and they are not able to change your contract as long as u continue to make payments. So may i suggest to people that if you like myself are out of contract downgrade to the £15 simplicity tarrif.

300 mins unlimited text and unlimited data. They buy the iphone 4 on pay as you go.

Yes there will be a bigger outlay of around £500 for the phone but since you are saving £20 per month on your contract then that is £360 over the length of an 18 month contract. Meaning they would have to offer the phone for about £100 with a contract which based on the American pricing is unlikely.

I spoke to O2 they said its ok 99% of users dont get anywhere near 500mb a month. If this is true then why put a limit? If this was true then they could just use there fair usage get out clause to limit the high end users. I wouldnt mind but I cant even get Edge in my house and I live in London.

With the announcement that all major networks will be carrying the iphone 4 it will be interesting to see if any of them do now say that they have unlimited data. As i feel O2 have just shot themself in the foot here. They gained customers when they have exclusivity and now they are all going to leave as they got greedy.

Oh and thanks for that generous upgrade offer of if your contract runs out this year you can pay just £20 for each month left. What a steal!
Message 10 of 23