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The Official Live Chat Feedback thread

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Hi guys,


Many of you have no doubt used the O2’s ‘chat’ service from time to time for all kinds of support queries. We also held a Virtual Interview recently with Richard Clarke, our Head of our Digital Service, where he answered some great questions from you.


Off the back of this session, we thought it was great opportunity to hear from you on how you think the chat service is doing and if there is anything we can do better in terms of resolution time, accuracy of info and the general experience. This has been done before on the community for TU Go and its incredibly useful for the team to hear about what’s going well with the service, what can be improved and if you have great ideas.


This is your chance to get have your voice heard and we’ll do our best to report back with changes and improvements that we make based on your suggestions.


While this is an open discussion there are some guidelines that you need to keep in mind when you make a comment:


- If you want to sort out a personal query, please create a thread in the community and you’ll get some great advice from other members. Any personal query posts will be moved and a thread will be created for them.


- Please do not mention any chat advisors by name. If they are posted, they will be edited.


- If you have a transcript of a chat session that helps with your point, please try to avoid using them and instead make a comment on the experience itself. If a transcript is absolutely essential, please only post what you need to (i.e. a few sentences).


I really look forward to hearing from you and what can be done off of the back of your suggestions.



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Message 1 of 463
462 REPLIES 462

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Hi @Cleoriff, how are you?

I totally agree with you. I myself have insisted posts before asking if Live Chat was fit for purpose although Sadly not many commented.

My point here was that if help is needed and we can help then the OP needs to be clearer on what help they are seeking 😈
Message 91 of 463

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I am fine Nick thank you....

I wasn't absolutely certain Anne wanted help...I think she just wanted to rant about O2 and live chat etc etc etc

Either way, her post made me laugh out loud, (whilst nearly ruining my laptop with tea) LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 92 of 463

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Argh @Cleoriff if your laptop is kippered see @jonsie as according to @Anonymous he will soon have a spare tablet going when he gets his galaxy tab s lol
Message 93 of 463

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Live chat, you've gotta love it!

In my experience, if you want some sort of goodwill gesture from the faceless wonders behind the keyboards you've more  chance of discovering oil in your back garde. The computer says no so no it is! How easy is it to type no? Just two letters repeated ad nauseum, heck they can train monkeys to do that. I presume the manager can type it better or use capital letters or even coloured font.

If you feel compensation or goodwill is warranted then please speak to customer service, you have a far better chance of a sympathetic adviser. Be persistant and call again if you get nowhere the first time, it's a free call and all you have to lose is your time. Far better than spending two hours taking out your frustration on the keyboard.

Message 94 of 463

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@Anonymous wrote:
Argh @Cleoriff if your laptop is kippered see @jonsie as according to @Anonymous he will soon have a spare tablet going when he gets his galaxy tab s lol

I'm not too sure technology is ready for me. I'm far too advanced so maybe I have to await a machine worthy of me Confused

Message 95 of 463

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@Anonymous wrote:
Argh @Cleoriff if your laptop is kippered see @jonsie as according to @Anonymous he will soon have a spare tablet going when he gets his galaxy tab s lol

Or his Nexus 9 @Anonymous . However I need no such cast offs.

I have my netbook, and oh not forgetting my HP SLATE 10" in RED...

Apologies all...back on topic to this Live Chat Feedback thread Fear

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 96 of 463

Not applicable
Hi all

To be fair I've personally never had a bad experience with Live Chat.

For clarity tho I've only contacted them for low level account and general enquiries.
Message 97 of 463

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I have had good and bad experiences.

Nothing recent though as I must admit to using forums to get my answers.......

After reading this thread I very much doubt I would use Live Chat at all now...

If I was any type of conspiracy theorist I might wonder If O2 were 'not bothered' about negative feedback on their Live Chat facility...when they can use the expertise of this forum to give clients answers...Thinking


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 98 of 463

Not applicable

Online Live Chat.

Over my time here we have all read posts from members who have come away from using the Online Live Chat either more confused or with conflicting information.

I'm as guilty as others for advising people to only use this Service for Low Level General Non Account based enquiries, and to ring Customer Services instead.

Not too long ago after many questioning the effectiveness of this Service it was advised that more training was being invested in this service.

On the occasions I've used Live Chat I've come away with a reasonable outcome, but one could argue that I know what I need ,and have enough knowledge to make that clear in the Chat session.

Some new members / Customers perhaps don't know how to word what they are requiring ,and so things can be lost in translation.

To add balance we don't see the whole picture on how this service performs ,as it's rare for a person to register , log on and leave praise.

So the question is ;

If you were the CEO of Telefonica what would you decide to do ?

Invest more in Live Chat.

Bring the Chat Service 100% to the Uk.

Cancel Chat ~ But then what would you introduce to fill that gap. Customer Services could be swamped without Chat.

Promote the O2 Forum more somehow.

Have your say and perhaps @Anonymous and @Toby can feed this back up the chain.
Message 99 of 463

Not applicable
Personally I would continue to state that Live Chat in its current form isn't really fit for purpose.

I would bring it back onto the UK platform to ensure that the language barrier is not an issue and to ensure quality of service.

I would also encourage more to use Community for queries as this is broadly free for o2 so great value for money.
Message 100 of 463