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The O2 Joggler Application Store (It's Here !)

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At long last, the promised O2 Joggler Application Store has arrived ! grin

I got a text message from O2 on 31st March saying that the App Store will be rolled out from 1st April (No, it's not an April Fool !). This will included You Tube, Google Calendar, Google Maps etc etc.

My O2 Joggler updated itself overnight at about 3am (Waking me up with the O2 Jingle when it re-booted !). The Shopping Trolley Icon appeared in place of the O2 Button which has now moved to a second page and there's a new button with a right arrow on to move to the second page, and a left one to move back on page 2 !

There seems to be quite a number of apps including same new games but haven't had chance to look through them yet before I had to get up for work. I think I'll pop into the O2 Store today and see if theirs had updated and have a sneeky peek !

I'll add to this post with my views once I've had a chance to explore !

Good things come to those who wait, and we've all been waiting very patiently ! grin
Message 1 of 41

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Bought a new one today, it is running a sw version from 25 November 2009 and refusing to download new software. After 30 minutes on hold I finally got through to Customer Support and this is a know issue. Open Peak (manufacturer) are investigating and some people have successfully upgraded by using a wired connection instead of wireless but that didn't work for me.

As it's new I taking it back tomorrow for an exchange.
Message 11 of 41

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My joggler (bought new today) won't update either. Not only that, but Messaging doesn't work either (Messages doesn't open, and I never received the SMS with my Joggler's phone number).

This is a COMPLETE JOKE O2. Your telephone support told me that he'd "never touched a joggler before" but he'd "have a go".

As far as I am concerned (and I guess trading standards will look at it in the same way) is that the ones in the store had the App Shop on them, and ours don't.
Message 12 of 41

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I just went and bought the Joggler today since there was a nice little discount.

Took it out the box, hooked it up, switched it on, connected wirelessly and it started taking the updates straight away, in total took about 10-15 minutes. I've always been put off the Joggler due to the chunky price tag but with it being below £50 I thought I'd give it a go and I'm quite surprised at how decent it is.

I've no idea where the problems the other folk are mentioning are coming from but I've not had 1 problem yet and I've been able to access and install some apps from the AppStore!
Message 13 of 41

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Ours updated too, took about 15mins for the updates, then about 5minutes for the message to come through with the phone numbers.

We bought 2 updated on the same broadband line at the same time, and no issues, where waiting for the app store, and to see what is on there.

Also I wasnt mis sold my Joggler, as it clearly states on o2's blog, website and everywhere else ive looked that the app store is available via a download/update.

The problem is nowadays everyone expects everything to be instant, which it cant be, technology is very fickle, and unfortunately breaks (you can test for months for a problem to become apparent when things go live. Trust me i've got the tshirt from when it goes badly wrong on go live).

So my advice, chill, grab a coffee and wait, and see what comes OTA to update your Joggler..

PS i cant find anywhere on o2's website, where it says the AppStore is preinstalled.. this is on ,

Message 14 of 41

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No, I don't expect it to be instant, but I do expect it to be fit for purpose. For example, being able to use messaging, which I, and several others, can't (lots of people never got the SMS with their phone number).

Also, try phoning O2's support number and asking about the Joggler - good luck getting through to somebody who actually knows what they're doing. I know it's a re-branded product, but O2 could at least train support staff before selling it (it's been on sale for what, a year now?)

(Edit: hopefully this post wont be edited by a mod, my previous one in this thread fell short of O2's censorship policy).
Message 15 of 41

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Got the message 31/03/10
01/04/10 Waited, waited....waited.........
waited... 02/04/10.... still waiting... etc.

All my news, weather, traffic etc is up to date.
Tried a factory reset.. it rebooted but retained all my settings.
Tried the Software Update button. It does nothing.

I really hope they fix it.
Message 16 of 41

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Is everyone else getting problem where when you press on Messages on the home screen and in the settings nothing happens???
Message 17 of 41

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When O2 sends you an email on Thursday that says the software update and the Apps Store will be available on Friday you kind of expect that to happen...

When the button says "Software Update" and you press it you kind of expect that to happen...

It's not being impatient, it's not expecting everything instantly, it's just expecting it to deliver what is promised.
Message 18 of 41

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Switched it on, hooked it up to the wireless and it spent the next couple of hours downloading updates. Now its at the point where:
Messages doesn't work,
After an initial update to fill the newsfeeds, its not updated the content (but does update the time). Checked the Sky RSS feeds and the content should have updated.
Not got the App Store update.
Factory Reset just restarts the UI - doesn't reboot, doesn't clear the settings.
Message 19 of 41

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Yep, no joy for me either! Bought mine pre Christmas. No functionality in settings menu for messages, software update or factory reset (well just reboots, not reset). Tried turning off and on, etc but no luck on any update so give up and wait (or phone tech support next week to pass time of day)
Message 20 of 41