At long last, the promised O2 Joggler Application Store has arrived !
I got a text message from O2 on 31st March saying that the App Store will be rolled out from 1st April (No, it's not an April Fool !). This will included You Tube, Google Calendar, Google Maps etc etc.
My O2 Joggler updated itself overnight at about 3am (Waking me up with the O2 Jingle when it re-booted !). The Shopping Trolley Icon appeared in place of the O2 Button which has now moved to a second page and there's a new button with a right arrow on to move to the second page, and a left one to move back on page 2 !
There seems to be quite a number of apps including same new games but haven't had chance to look through them yet before I had to get up for work. I think I'll pop into the O2 Store today and see if theirs had updated and have a sneeky peek !
I'll add to this post with my views once I've had a chance to explore !
Good things come to those who wait, and we've all been waiting very patiently !