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Shocking coverage and fobbed off for 18 months

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I’ve experienced network issues for about 18 months now.  I had some total jobsworth spout war and peace at me last week when he called re my complaint who continually talked over the top of me and wouldn’t let me get a word in edgeways.  He said how the network is saturated but it isn’t their issue, even though they’re still signing up more customers daily to a network not fit for purpose. 

Tried to then palm it all off as Covid being the issue with more people now using phones after the pandemic 🙄🙄

His solution…..switch to 3G for the foreseeable, told him I’d tried and still had the same issue and that I shouldn’t have to be doing that with a service sold to me as 4g.  He said well you can still make calls when you’ve not got Wi-Fi so we’re technically still providing the coverage we said we would.  

Absolute disgrace considering I’ve been with them for well over 16 or so years! 

I said I wanted to leave, their reply, well pay up the 18 months left and you can… now I’m going to the Comminications Ombudsman. 

I have 15gb of data every month and my phone doesn’t touch any of it as I can’t access anything (other than to make voice calls) outside of a Wi-Fi capable area.  

O2 are a useless company who are fobbing everyone off with different excuses yet signing up more customers to an already broken infrastructure! 

My daughter is with EE and has perfect coverage everywhere.  I have tried everything suggested on here but nothing has worked thus far.  It’s not just me, plenty of acquaintances have had the same issues repeatedly.  

Why can’t they just be upfront and say they’re network is substandard and not coping with the demand? 

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Level 77: Grand Master
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Several ways open to you to complain are included here, @triage999 -

By all accounts, the service called Resolver, well down the page at the link above, has given good results.

I am assuming, from your rant above, that you are familiar with O2's My Network app for monitoring service in places you normally frequent: and also the forum information in here: Guide: How can I sort out my network issues? 

For info, the network near my work was saturated or oversubscribed as you describe for several months some years back: from about 1pm to 5pm, 4G service dropped through the floor - stepping down to 3G during that time window was the only way to get any appreciable data speed/service at all, so it is worth taking that advice in tandem with complaining to O2 using the monitor feature of My Network app and the odd targetted public moan in an open Social Media channel such as Twitter. Good luck, @triage999.


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