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Security Issue -

Not applicable
I have today received a spam email on an email address I only use on these forums. This makes me think that the forums have been compromised and that there maybe a data protection issue :mansurprised:
My forum email address is the format NAMEnnnnn@domain_name Where NAME is an alphabetic name and nnnnn is a 5 digit random number - I can therefore be pretty sure of the source wink
As a general point, I receive very little spam and when I do it is easy to see where it has come from - in the past when this has happened it is normally because a server has been hacked.
Of course, I don't discount the possibility that the issue is at my end but I think it is unlikely as I would then be expecting to get a lot more spam emails on different accounts.
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed a problem :robotindifferent:
Message 1 of 16

Not applicable
Why do you think this forum no longer lets you change your email address? It used to be possible - but as a relative newcomer you probably never realised this forum used to have that option before the first hack.

It does. Profile > Edit account settings lets you change your email address exactly as you'd expect it to.
Message 11 of 16

Not applicable
Well I've been on this forum rather longer than you have, old chum, and once again I'll be terribly entertained to learn how you think an email address only used to register on this forum (and not stored ANYWHERE on my computer) can somehow be obtained from my machine. Your technical knowledge does not pass muster.

So your email address for this forum is not stored ANYWHERE on your pc?
That email address would be stored on your PC, thats your first mistake..

Websites forums get hacked all the time. Look at Money Saving Expert. There were a whole load of people like you pretending that there was no problem until eventually the situation became impossible to ignore. You can nay-say all you want, there is clearly a security issue here. Please don't pretend that you know what you're talking about until you actually do.

Oh i agree that websites do get hacked, but the biggest issue is people at the other end of the chain, more of those are more likely to have a breach of security on their pc than a website getting hacked, and please dont try to insult my intelligence, if you think your pc holds no personal information you really need to wake up and smell the coffee :mansurprised:
And yes I have anti spam on my mail accounts, but it still lets me see what has come in (it marks spam to its own folder), and ive had zero on this account tongue
Tony slight_smile
Message 12 of 16

Not applicable
It does. Profile > Edit account settings lets you change your email address exactly as you'd expect it to.

Oops, I stand corrected. I spent ages looking for that and couldn't find it, and there did seem to be other posts on the board confirming that it wasn't possible to change an email address. Glad to be put right! slight_smile
Message 13 of 16

Not applicable
So your email address for this forum is not stored ANYWHERE on your pc? That email address would be stored on your PC, thats your first mistake..

Well (1) What makes you think I even own a PC? There are lots of other devices which can access the internet, including, as you might expect from this forum, mobile phones. What makes you think that I registered for this forum using a PC? It's quite possible - when you think about it - to register with a web forum using an email address which never goes anywhere near a PC.
Oh i agree that websites do get hacked, but the biggest issue is people at the other end of the chain, more of those are more likely to have a breach of security on their pc than a website getting hacked, and please dont try to insult my intelligence, if you think your pc holds no personal information you really need to wake up and smell the coffee :mansurprised:

Like I said, it would be helpful for you to know what you were talking about before making pronouncements.
Quite aside from anything else, if, as you claim, these breaches could only have been on individuals' PCs, how is it that those individuals only get spam to the email address they used to register with the O2 forums? How is it that no OTHER addresses which they used to register with OTHER sites, are being similarly misused? Are you suggesting that there is some special breed of malware which psychically analyses people's computers and only takes email addresses used for O2 forum registration, while discarding ALL the other ones?
It takes less than a second of considered thought to realise that your preferred suggestion is simply not plausible. Why not read this thread from the last time it happened?
"Phishing Emails using O2 Email Address"
Or this one?
"Beware - spammers have the email address I gave O2"
Message 14 of 16

Not applicable
We could go on like this forever, you even dismissed a security expert who ensured there was no breach on the O2 server, that leaves the end user, i.e. you.
If you want a list of things you can do to prevent malware or security issues, then all you have to do is search the internet, ensure your internet explorer/Firefox/Google chrome etc are all up to date along with any other specific security software, don’t use "free" antivirus type software (especially the type from U torrent sites), then there are all the issues with using unencrypted wifi etc, it’s an endless list, keep the kids off the pc etc, BUT the big point is that if there was a security breach, everyone would suffer, not just a few (and it would have been noticed!)
Message 15 of 16

Not applicable
Your argument doesn't hold water and you're clearly just trolling. There is no way that numerous people who registered on this forum using a unique email address used here and nowhere else, would each start getting spam email sent to those addresses by accident or coincidence.
Ignore the obvious all you like. You just can't convince some people.
Message 16 of 16