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Say Goodbye to Unlimited Data Tariffs

Not applicable
Looks like O2 are going to follow AT&T's lead by getting rid of the Unlimited Data tariffs for smartphones and iPhones.

Doesn't even look like they're goig to do an unlimited data bolt on!

This could get very expensive!

Just found this on Which Website ... ffs-216692
Message 1 of 213
212 REPLIES 212

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just compared 18m £45pm iPhone plans from Vodas' and Orange, O2 with these new plans now have the worst plans, Orange give 400 minutes more, and voda give 250meg more.
Message 51 of 213

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Whats to stop me just refusing to ever change my plan or upgrade, and just carry one with my £45pm, 1200m, unlimited data plan forever ?

I'd just buy Paygo iPhones and pop my chopped to micro sized sim into them
Message 52 of 213

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So all their plans are worse and they aren't allowing pre-orders, just opening their doors for a scrum?
Well I won't be in that scrum and I imagine it will be a smaller one than they are anticipating.
Message 53 of 213

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3's small print goes like this (for current smartphones with "unlimited data")

Unlimited internet is subject to a fair use limit of 500MB/month and for use in UK only. You can't use your allowance for using your phone as a modem and services such as peer to peer file sharing and 3's pushmail are not included in the data allowance. Service limitations and terms apply.

so it looks like all the companies will have very similar tariffs, to be honest, i am going to move to another company away from 02 just to let them know i am not happy.

I will be calling for my PAC code soon, i would suggest you do too if you want to let them know how you feel, if it gets to a tipping point, they my change their tariff or at least do what AT+T did and let existing customers keep their unlimited plans.
Message 54 of 213

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They have definately shot themselves with the data decision
Message 55 of 213

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I choose O2 earlier this year because of the limits imposed by the other big mobile networks. Now O2 move the goalposts.

At the start of this digital revolution, talk was of WiFi being available for free everywhere, town centres , cities, public buildings.... in reality, there is little or no free public wifi in the UK and most households have their wifi networks password protected out of fear.
Message 56 of 213

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So at least the sheeps clothes are off and low and behold he's a wolf. Snare you in with unlimited data, unlimited texts and MMS, reasonable peak/off-peak hours - That was when I got my Iphone. What happens now:

Off-peak starts 2 hours after i finish work and at the same time as my kids go to bed.

MMS now cost me - now my wife can't MMS me pics of the kids.

Next my data usage is to be capped so my wife cant even e-mail me the bloody pics.

Thanks a lot and godbye next renewal date.
Message 57 of 213

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I'd say enough similarity exists to claim price fixing and get the OFT involved.
Message 58 of 213

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They have definately shot themselves with the data decision

and yet another badly researched post. Go look at the other networks and you'll find it in-line with what is being offered on Vodafone, Orange, 3 etc.

Impulse buyers are extremely valuable, and driving people away on impulse could be seen as shooting oneself in the foot.

As for research, you can easily find good alternative's to O2 out there. If you're in a good coverage area for 3, then you have more options than most - 3's MIFI 3G Modem for instance, great if you have an iPod or iPad too, and only £15/5GB/NoContract/month.

Before anyone says it, I know it's £15 on top of your phone tariff...but at least it's an option, and if you're PAYG, it's a steal - especially without the contract.

Now, "researching" O2's site...I don't see anything even remotely as innovative or refreshing.
Message 59 of 213

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I choose O2 earlier this year because of the limits imposed by the other big mobile networks. Now O2 move the goalposts.
At the start of this digital revolution, talk was of WiFi being available for free everywhere, town centres , cities, public buildings.... in reality, there is little or no free public wifi in the UK and most households have their wifi networks password protected out of fear.

Any household without encrypted WIFI is asking for trouble, I don't recall that ever being suggested.

But yes, WiFi hotspots are few and far between compared to expectations. Many once free spots are now paid, or too much of a faff to connect to, and the ones on trains are a joke (always feels like a single 3G dongle for a whole 5 carraiges. chortle...).

But that's not O2's fault. Charging more for less is though...:p
Message 60 of 213