on 30-05-2024 14:53
I have had 5 of these phones all with the same problem. Unable to get signal. For data, call and texts. I have to flight mode my phone 100 times a day. The current phone isn't even 2 months old.
I call customer service and they ask me to send the phone off for assesment. So in a 12 month period I have had over 25 days without a phone because of repairs.
I have explained and sent evidence in to prove this problem and still no replacement that works. Been with 02 over 10 years and trust me when I say, I am leaving as soon as the communications ombudsman resolves this issue. It's disgusting to take my money for the poorest service from anyone I have ever dealt with.
The cheeky ****** asked me to upgrade as well, while I was on the phone for another repair assesment. You can ****** right off 🤣
on 30-05-2024 15:13
on 30-05-2024 15:13
on 31-05-2024 18:03
Is this a handset problem, a SIM problem or a signal problem ?
You could review :-
Guide: How can I sort out my network issues?
Guide: Is the network down for me or everyone?
My Network App - Find Out More About Your Network Coverage | Apps | O2
It could be worth trying your O2 SIM in another handset, and even popping into an O2 retail store to swap your SIM. You could also try a PAYG SIM from another network in your current handset to narrow down whether the issue is handset, signal or SIM-related. 👍