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Why do I get 3G in Europe when I have and pay for 4G in the UK?


Message 1 of 33

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I can advise the following



have no roaming 4G agreements. Data is limited at 0.30Mbps still. Complaints on Twitter about it.

you can not use you O2 data only account abroad at all.



Have no 4G roaming agreements and use 3G speeds when allowed.  Data Management is on for when your abroad and you can't tether.

you can only use 12Gb max in any given billing month.

Data only account can be used


EE and BT

have no restrictions on speeds and have 4G roaming, but have a capacity in place on 15Gb in any billing period.  BT is the same.



Thisnnetwork is the best for roaming.  The have no restrictions at all in place what so ever.  No data management or anything,  they have the most 4G roaming networks and also have no data restrictions.

if you tariff comes with 60Gb Data, then this is what you can use abroad in EU.  Turkey is also included with Vodafone.

Data only account can also be used and same as per above.  No restrictions, mill, nada, zilch.  Not even traffic management.


As you can see, Vodafone are really going for it as per there Web. There shouting about it and it's all over the media and bill boards etc




Im not in any way promoting Vodafone or any of the networks.  It's just facts that are on the internet for any one to find.


just to make you aware,  this info re Vodafone pic was correct as April I believe.


Three now has 60 countries, Vodafone you get free roaming in 50 Countries but you can take you allowance with you and pay £5 per day and use it in 60 more countries.  Very sim to o2 travel

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Message 21 of 33

Not applicable

I personallly think it's a disgrace that o2 don't have any roaming agreements for 4G. Yet another reason for me to move away!


Message 22 of 33

Not applicable

Interesting responses.  My experience this summer post June 15th roaming date is that friends from Norway were getting O2 4g across Europe when I was getting O2 Edge!  Surely O2 is part of Telephonica which has phone companies covering all of Europe so it appears to me that the 4g agreements argument is being used by O2 as a smokescreen.  You would think they could have internal company agreements quite easily.

Message 23 of 33

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O2 are pathetic and stuck in the dark ages. Move network as soon as you can.  3-5 years after other networks offered 4G roaming, O2 still only offer 3G roaming at glacial speeds.  You can't even get 4G roaming when on other Telefonica networks.  The O2 executive team clearly are incompetent and lack any vision or care about their customer base.  Compare with EE for example and their vision (and acheivement) for coverage, O2 is a joke.



Message 25 of 33

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They are starting to roll out 4G to other countries but as with most things O2 do these days they are trailing badly compared to the other networks. 

Message 26 of 33

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OMG, 5 years later and o2 have finally joined the 21st century. Well, in one country at least!  4G roaming in Germany on my phone and data card!  Well done o2!  Although that's a bit like celebrating the launch of morse code when everybody else is using fibre broadband, but still...!  I can't believe it took this long for one 4G roaming agreement, and even that is within the same company (Telfoncia)!  O2 you are just so useless.   Now you just have 119 more countries to go until you catch up with Vodafone 4G roaming.  We'll be on 6G before you get round to that!





Message 27 of 33

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@Bullerd wrote:

OMG, 5 years later and o2 have finally joined the 21st century. Well, in one country at least!  4G roaming in Germany on my phone and data card!  Well done o2!  Although that's a bit like celebrating the launch of morse code when everybody else is using fibre broadband, but still...!  I can't believe it took this long for one 4G roaming agreement, and even that is within the same company (Telfoncia)!  O2 you are just so useless.   Now you just have 119 more countries to go until you catch up with Vodafone 4G roaming.  We'll be on 6G before you get round to that!





"Celebrating the launch of morse code etc" Well that made me laugh...LOL

Yes a long way to go yet... so totally agree @Bullerd

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Message 29 of 33

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The miracle continues! 4G roaming now in France, USA and Canada. I'm sure there are more too but I don't know the exact list. It only seems to be on one carrier in each though so you might need to manually select network.
Someone also posted a longer list here Nice of O2 to tell their customers though!
Message 30 of 33