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Problems checking balance from outside UK

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I have spent the last hour with O2's user hostile web and phone support, trying to check my balance. I have a basic UK Pay & go phone and I want to check the balance. I live in the USA and need to check the balance and if necessary top up the phone before leaving on a trip to Europe. I do not want to wait until I get to Eurpope and then find out I cannot use the phone and have to deal with topping it up over there.
Simple problem. Many other global travelers must be in this situation.
According to the web site I can:
1) Text 50202 to get the balance. Can't do this as I am in the US and the phone doesn't work in the US.
2) Register at the web site and sign into 'My Card'. Can't do that because it will only accept a UK post code and will not allow people living outside the UK to register.
3) Call customer service. Cabn't do that because the 0844 exchange will not allow access from overseas.
Is there a way I can do this or do I have to throw the phone away and buy a new one in the US before the trip? I cannot believe in these days a company like O2 can be so hostile to overseas users. I have made four trans-Atlantic calls now trying to resolve this, registered at two different O2 web support site (this being one of them) and sent emails.
Message 1 of 6

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How do I check my balance when abroad?
Just dial *#10# and we'll send your balance free of charge.

And from the main website: Support then Pay as you go Help:
Topping up whilst abroad
Whenever you go abroad it's a good idea to top-up your mobile before you leave.
If you need to top-up from overseas you have a number of easy options:
You can take an O2 voucher with you
Use your credit/debit card
Top-up online through our website
We suggest using your credit/debit card as this is the most user friendly way of topping up whilst abroad - simply call the O2 Top-up line.

Calling the O2 top-up line
If you're in a direct dial country, call the O2 Top-up line FREE by dialing 4444 or by using Hotkey 3 or on your Pay & Go mobile. Alternatively, dial +441753 552277 from any phone.
If you want to top up from a country that doesn't allow direct dial please enter *111*# then press the call button. Your mobile phone will go on standby for a few seconds before it rings. Answer the call and simply follow the voice prompts to access the Top-Up line by dialling 4444# and then proceed through the top-up service as you would in the UK.

Though you do realise that if you haven't made a chargeable call in the last 6 months then the number will be declared as non-active and your number is de-activated losing all credit.
But you could always get a new sim when in the UK and still use the phone.
Message 2 of 6

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Thanks for the reply.
Just dial *#10# and we'll send your balance free of charge.

This only works when in Europe and I am able to get a signal. I have to use the phone from the airport upon arrival in Europe. It is too late if I then find out that the phone is either out of minutes or disabled.
Calling the O2 top-up line
If you're in a direct dial country, call the O2 Top-up line FREE by dialing 4444 or by using Hotkey 3 or on your Pay & Go mobile. Alternatively, dial +441753 552277 from any phone.

This steps you through a top-up procedure without telling giving the option to find out how many minutes you have to start with. I have a UK credit card with a US address tied to it. After entering the credit card number, expiry date, security code etc, it then needs the postal code that the statements are sent to. Sinc ethis is in the US, it will not accept the ZIP code as a Postal code and does not give any other options.
I cannot even find a way of telling if the phone is active and was not aware all credit was lost if you do not use the phone for 6 months. They kept that quiet when I bought it at the O2 store!
Message 3 of 6

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Paul, some of the assertions you are making are mistaken. eg *10# does not work only in Europe. You don't text to 50202 to get your balance, that's to claim your O2 reward. They don't hide the fact that you have to make a chargeable action at least every six months. Its in the booklet you get with every SIM phone (twice)
Check for how to check your balance and top-up abroad. Also read the part about cards (you cannot use an overseas card as the payment processors will not issue an authorisation)
Message 4 of 6

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Paul, some of the assertions you are making are mistaken. eg *10# does not work only in Europe. You don't text to 50202 to get your balance, that's to claim your O2 reward. They don't hide the fact that you have to make a chargeable action at least every six months. Its in the booklet you get with every SIM phone (twice)
Check for how to check your balance and top-up abroad. Also read the part about cards (you cannot use an overseas card as the payment processors will not issue an authorisation)

OK, so maybe I read the texting codes incorrectly, but that is academic since I cannot text while outside Europe anyway. My whole point here is to ensure that I can call and use the phone when the plane lands in Europe.
Secondly, I did check the site and as I said, I know I cannot use an overseas card for payment. I have a UK debit card I was trying to use, but not only will they not accept an overseas credit card, they will not accept a UK credit card with an overseas mailing address. They want the post code that is registered to the credit card which is a US 'Zip' code which it will not accept.
Simple question. Let's make this real basic. Doesn't it seem logical that I should be able to go online and see the status of my phone. How much balance, whether due to inactivity the SIM card has expired, how many days left to expiry, last call made etc. No credit cards involved, just looking at the account status. I can do that easily with my personal and business phones in the US, but the O2 site wants a UK post code before it will give me that information on my account.
Frustrated in NJ, USA
Message 5 of 6

Not applicable
I think you are making this more complicated than it need be. As you know, there are several ways to find your balance from overseas. People do it all the time. Phone them.
If you want to use My O2 to see your balance use the details when you originally registered. If you didn't register then that's no-one else's fault.
Message 6 of 6