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Pricing of boost box

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I get a very poor signal if any inside our property .After much too-ing and fro-ing i have at last found that O2 have a boost box which is exactly the same as the vodaphone suresignal unit and both are made by Lucent actel.The only difference is that O2 are charging £150 yes £150 for the unit which on Vodaphone is half that price and even on the Lucent Actel site it costs £140 for the o2 compatible unit.Why is O2 charging so much if they wish to keep their customers that have this problem .I dont want to leave o2 as a long term customer but its looking as though i will have no choice.Please re-think your pricing on this unit O2

Message 1 of 45

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Busness users only at the moment (so it seems)

Could do with one myself as any mobile calls now have to be made using EE

Message 2 of 45

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I think prices will come down and there are always enterprising companies coming out with clones.

Message 3 of 45

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Hi Chuck, I am totally in agreement with you. In fact I am OUTRAGED by O2. After dragging there feet to launch this boost box, they are charging £150.00 - a full £100.00 pounds more than Vodafones £50.00 sure signal box...what are they thinking? I've been a loyal customer for years. I was with O2 because they have the better signal at my house in Devon (just) for nearly a year my vodafone friends have boosted their signal using sure signal and had a perfect signal on Vodafone. I assumed O2 would be launching fairly soon and cost a similar amount so I stuck with O2. In fact...they took nearly a year to bring out the same solution...and now they are charging £150.00?! We are paying to fix a signal problem...and the competition has a tried and tested solution for only £50.00. I'm very annoyed, as it is, that I've had to wait this long for the solution...but to now go and say they want to charge 3 times more than Vodafone is an absolute outrage. I use my phone for work at home and need a clear signal. I'm seriously considering leaving O2 now, how could they do this to us? Very very annoyed.
Message 4 of 45

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i just want to buy one i went in the o2 shop and they told me it would be another year ?

our household has 6 o2 phones and if i cant get one soon as my contracts run out we will be changing to a company that will sell me a booster box

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@Anonymous wrote:

i just want to buy one i went in the o2 shop and they told me it would be another year ?

our household has 6 o2 phones and if i cant get one soon as my contracts run out we will be changing to a company that will sell me a booster box

I can't help feeling that if these units performed as well and reliably as they should, O2 would be offering them to everyone.


Not much point releasing them if we're going to be having some of theses issues:

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One of my friends has a voda sure signal and swears at it. 😂 He lives in a town where he only gets 1 bar max voda signal., so his business has purchased a sure signal box. He now gets full signal in the house but calls go more to voice mail than ever and SMS can be up to 12 hours or even longer delayed. My friend has tried all sorts all with same finding and the broadband is over 10mbs so the speed isn't the issue there. So it's possible O2 are really ensuring its good before its released. But £150 I do agree is steap and lowering it when Ava would be a big incentive on selling more.
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Message 8 of 45

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@darrengf wrote:
One of my friends has a voda sure signal and swears at it.

Does he now?Smiley LOLSmiley LOL


Does that make it work any better?

To support Disasters Emergency Committee: text Nepal to 70000 to send £5

Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
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perskie wrote: Does he now? Does that make it work any better?


Nope but it makes him feel a lot better after lol.Smiley Very Happy

Need Help, Just ask. We are one big Family here in the o2 Forum.
Use iPhone XS Max dual sim, SE, Honor 10, IPad Pro 11, Apple Watch 4 LTE, 100+ Mpbs Barrier and a Record Player.

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