10-07-2012 08:41 - edited 10-07-2012 09:27
10-07-2012 08:41 - edited 10-07-2012 09:27
I get a very poor signal if any inside our property .After much too-ing and fro-ing i have at last found that O2 have a boost box which is exactly the same as the vodaphone suresignal unit and both are made by Lucent actel.The only difference is that O2 are charging £150 yes £150 for the unit which on Vodaphone is half that price and even on the Lucent Actel site it costs £140 for the o2 compatible unit.Why is O2 charging so much if they wish to keep their customers that have this problem .I dont want to leave o2 as a long term customer but its looking as though i will have no choice.Please re-think your pricing on this unit O2
31-10-2012 23:23 - edited 31-10-2012 23:23
31-10-2012 23:23 - edited 31-10-2012 23:23
@jonsie wrote:
@perksie wrote:Welcome to Level 41 jonsie!
Think I've got a nosebleed
Sorry should have adjusted the take off speed!:smileyhappy:
on 01-11-2012 00:37
on 01-11-2012 00:37
01-11-2012 00:46 - edited 01-11-2012 00:46
01-11-2012 00:46 - edited 01-11-2012 00:46
@Liquid wrote:
Can I come?:(
The rate you're clicking up posts you'll be up there by Christmas, it took me four years.
on 01-11-2012 00:48
on 01-11-2012 00:48
on 01-11-2012 00:56
on 01-11-2012 00:56
I'm not sure, I get an automatic PM if it changes, but Leonard says it's linked to your "useful" posts, so I don't know how it works really.
on 01-11-2012 00:58
on 01-11-2012 00:58
on 08-01-2014 10:08
on 08-01-2014 10:08
I completely agree. 4 adults in my house pay £100 per month all to O2. and 02 want 150 to make it work. Vodafone have offered me a booster boxs for no charge and so we will move all contracts to them. What are you doing O2? Haven't you worked out that several people live in a house and that these boxes will last for many years and tie your customers in to using you?
If this box lasts 5 years you have saved a box that probably costs you less than £50 and lost £6000 revenue by doing so.
08-01-2014 10:48 - edited 08-01-2014 10:58
Disclaimer - Just my thoughts - might be right, might be wrong.
Fun fact - O2 actually invented this tech with Lucent. They sold the rights for it to Vodafone when they decided they weren't going to widely use the tech. They then decided they would use it, but only for business customers.
Since then, they've invented TuGo. Which as everyone knows is a brilliant idea poorly executed (technology limitations not withstanding...).
Seeing as they have a massive love for TuGo, the chances of them extending boostboxes to consumer customers I reckon is as much as me winning the lottery twice.
Edit: My knowledbge of how boostboxes work is limited at best.
on 08-01-2014 10:50
on 08-01-2014 10:50
Fact bostbox requires no Mobile signal it uses the good old adsl to connect to o2 servers and provide a localy produced 3g signal! (just the same way tugo uses adsl)
on 08-01-2014 10:58
@adamtemp64 wrote:@Anonymous
Fact bostbox requires no Mobile signal it uses the good old adsl to connect to o2 servers and provide a localy produced 3g signal! (just the same way tugo uses adsl)
Ah, my knowledge of that sort of thing is limited at best!